How to Get #TaxCredits for #Insulation and #HomeEnergy Upgrades
The #InflationReductionAct is about more than just #solarpanels and #EVs. It can help you pay for that new #waterheater or #frontdoor.
#taxcredits #insulation #homeenergy #inflationreductionact #solarpanels #evs #waterheater #frontdoor
Next criticism please?
"A world-beating deposit of lithium along the Nevada–Oregon border could meet surging demand for this metal, according to a new analysis.
‘If you believe their back-of-the-envelope estimation, this is a very, very significant deposit of lithium,’ says Anouk Borst, a geologist "
Looks like Electrify America has *finally* replaced the constantly broken chargers at the Burlington Mall with new ones - and they're 350kW capable.
They worked, too (although one unit's "hose retractor" cord was broken...looked like vandalism, unfortunately).
#electrifyamerica #electriccars #evs #ev
It's getting hot in here, fuel cell truck edition
#toyota #usa #unitedstates #fuelcells #fuelcell #fcev #trucks #evs #electricvehicles #electrictrucks #shipping #fuel #energy #decarbonization #vehicles #automotive #autoindustry
#toyota #usa #UnitedStates #fuelcells #fuelcell #fcev #trucks #evs #electricvehicles #electrictrucks #shipping #fuel #energy #decarbonization #vehicles #automotive #autoindustry
Global News BC: Half of B.C.’s non-EV owners still unsure about road tripping in them, BC Hydro says #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #EVchargingstations #BCHydroEVresearch #ElectricVehicles #OwninganEVinBC #electriccars #Environment #EVresearch #Traffic #bchydro #EVs
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #evchargingstations #bchydroevresearch #ElectricVehicles #owninganevinbc #electriccars #environment #evresearch #traffic #bchydro #evs
#Computers on wheels are bound to be #data #privacy nightmares, especially #EVs:
#computers #data #privacy #evs
Electric vehicles are dirtier to build but cleaner to drive than conventional cars. A study found that EVs must be driven for 21725 kilometres (13,500 miles) to offset their higher carbon footprint from manufacturing. EV owners can save money and emissions by driving more and charging from renewable sources.
#evs #carbonfootprint #renewableenergy
Great new resource from @BGAlliance documenting and mapping the spread of EV jobs:
#greenjobs #evs #GreenTransition
"Au début du mois, le géant pétrolier chinois Sinopec a fait une annonce surprise qui est passée inaperçue. Il s'attend désormais à ce que la demande d'essence en Chine atteigne son maximum cette année, soit deux ans plus tôt que ses prévisions précédentes.
Le principal responsable ? Le nombre croissant de véhicules électriques sur les routes." (Traduit par deepl)
#PeakGasoline #EVs #chine
This Hybrid Solar Truck Can Go Over 6,000 Miles a Year on Pure Sunshine #electricvehicles #evs #cleanenergy #renewableenergy #renewables #trucks #transportation #logistics
#electricvehicles #evs #cleanenergy #renewableenergy #renewables #trucks #transportation #logistics
Just got a letter from PSE (our electric utility) to enroll in a pilot program for time-of-use electric metering.. A chance to save some $ by shifting some electric use to overnight, like charging our cars.
I thought that time-of-use electric metering was less relevant where most electricity comes from hydro.
"The price war triggered by #Tesla has sucked in more than 40 brands, shifted demand away from older models and forced some automakers to curb production of both #EVs and combustion-engine cars, or shut factories altogether.
At the same time, pay cuts and lay-offs in the #AutoIndustry and its suppliers are hitting living standards.. "
Insight: #China's #AutoWorkers bear the brunt of #PriceWar as fallout widens | Reuters
#pricewar #autoworkers #china #autoindustry #evs #tesla
“E-fuel” / “electrofuel” is such transparent OilCo propaganda, and comical doublespeak like “partial zero emissions vehicle” and “plug-in hybrids” with < 30 mi range.
Has nothing to do with #EVs, it’s just a feel-good gas analogue supposedly made with green power.
Had a great set of shows this past week! One of them was Pit Crew (Presented by Intel), which was a whimsical take on the "pros vs amateurs" trope. Pros got nerfed by hardware downgrades & 'discomforts' each round, while amateurs got hardware upgrades & pamperings.
I was the replay operator for the show, so I got to cut the fun highlights to review each round, as well as a day pack for rollout of all the shenanigans (what you see here).
Why aren’t more people talking about how amazing electric boats are??? We had an amazing time on this electric cruiser powered by solar panels exploring Cannes and the islands with sunbathing and swimming in the lagoon. Why is it so hard to find one of these to buy in the US?
#SolarBoat #ElectricBoat #Evs #ElectricVehicles #SolarPowered #EMobility
#solarboat #electricboat #evs #electricvehicles #solarpowered #emobility
The policy would focus on various aspects including accessibility, convenience, and opening employment avenues, said the Himachal Pradesh chief minister. Private operators would also be roped in with 50% subsidy for setting up e-charging stations, he said
#PromoteChargingStations #EVs #CMSukhu
#promotechargingstations #evs #cmsukhu
New EV battery recycling venture rakes in the big bucks
#evbattery #evbatteries #lithiumbatteries #supplychain #recycling #batteryrecycling #energystorage #evs #electriccars #electricvehicles #wastemanagement #investors #investing #ESG
#evbattery #evbatteries #lithiumbatteries #supplychain #recycling #batteryrecycling #energystorage #evs #electriccars #electricvehicles #wastemanagement #investors #investing #ESG
#EVbatteries are getting stronger in high-end cars
#BEVs #EVs #cars
If #EVs are less complex and take less labor to manufacture, why is that a problem? It sounds like a better product to me.
Electric #scooters have been banned in #Paris, just a few years after they were introduced (and, frankly, I'm not surprised). But there's some dodgy #politics behind the decision...
#Escooters #transport #UrbanTransport #EVs
#evs #urbantransport #transport #escooters #politics #paris #scooters