Virtual registration still available for next week's @VTOLsociety #AutonomousVTOL Technical Meeting & #ElectricVTOL Symposium, Jan. 24-26. Learn more and register today:
Nearly 100 speakers on #eVTOL/#AAM, #autonomy/#drone, #rotorcraft/#helicopter, #technology & #innovation at #eVTOL2023!
#aviation #avgeek #electricFlight #electricAviation #ArcherAviation #JobyAviation #WiskAero #Boeing #Overair #OpenerAero #SkyDrive #HoneywellAero #Toray #Hexcel #CarlisleIT #AutoFlight
#autonomousvtol #electricvtol #eVTOL #autonomy #Rotorcraft #technology #innovation #evtol2023 #aviation #avgeek #electricflight #electricaviation #archeraviation #jobyaviation #wiskaero #boeing #overair #openeraero #skydrive #honeywellaero #toray #hexcel #carlisleit #autoflight
"Over 750 eVTOL Concepts Have Been Registered to This Day Worldwide," #AutoEvolution, Jan 11:
"To say that the development of electric aircraft that can take off and land vertically (#eVTOL's) has exploded over the past years wouldn’t be an exaggeration. Thanks to the @VTOLsociety (#VFS) we have the numbers to back that up. And they’re truly remarkable." (spoiler: 760)
#autoevolution #eVTOL #vfs #electricvtol #vtol #helicopter #evtol2023 #Rotorcraft #AAM
The first VFS Membership Newsletter for 2023 has been posted:
Check out the latest news on our upcoming #eVTOL Symposium, #Vertiflite magazine, #student #scholarships, competitions & #awards deadlines, #VTOL History Calendar, free tech papers, new members and upcoming meetings!
#eVTOL2023 #electricVTOL #aviation #AvGeek #AAM # #VTOL #VerticalFlight #VFS #VTOLsociety #Helicopter #rotorcraft #VTOL #CoastGuard #helicopters #DLR #engineering #aerospace #student
#eVTOL #vertiflite #student #scholarships #awards #vtol #evtol2023 #electricvtol #aviation #avgeek #AAM #verticalflight #vfs #vtolsociety #helicopter #Rotorcraft #coastguard #helicopters #dlr #engineering #aerospace
The #ElectricVTOL News, Jan. 3, 2023: All the latest news for the New Year on all-electric, hybrid-electric and hydrogen-electric aircraft developments. Register for the 10th Annual #eVTOL Symposium before it sells out!
#H2eVTOL #eCTOL #eSTOL #eVTOL2023 #electricFlight #aviation #AvGeek #FlyingCars #AAM #Xpeng #Archer #Beta #EHang #EveAirMobility #Joby #Supernal #Volocopter #H2eVTOL #H2eCTOL #H2Flight #H2Aviation #HydrogenFlight #VTOL #VerticalFlight #VFS #VTOLsociety
#electricvtol #eVTOL #h2evtol #ectol #estol #evtol2023 #electricflight #aviation #avgeek #FlyingCars #AAM #Xpeng #archer #beta #ehang #eveairmobility #joby #supernal #Volocopter #h2ectol #h2flight #h2aviation #hydrogenflight #vtol #verticalflight #vfs #vtolsociety
Our upcoming #UAS / #UAM conference is on track to sell out! If you are planning to attend our 10th Biennial #AutonomousVTOL Technical Meeting & 10th Annual #ElectricVTOL Symposium, register today:
This is the largest and longest-running #eVTOL event in the world, with attendance limited to only 500 due to the venue. This event will sell out shortly after Jan 1!
#eVTOL2023 #drone #autonomy #autonomousVTOL #UAV #VTOL #VerticalFlight #ElectricFlight #HydrogenFlight #UAV
#uas #uam #autonomousvtol #electricvtol #eVTOL #evtol2023 #drone #autonomy #uav #vtol #verticalflight #electricflight #hydrogenflight
The @VTOLsociety has published the latest issue of "The Electric VTOL News," Dec. 21, 2022:
The #FAA publishes #Archer’s airworthiness criteria, the AIR ONE transitioned, and VFS publishes a new report on #hydrogen at airports. These stories and more in the latest edition of The #ElectricVTOL News!
#Helicopter #H2eVTOL #H2eCTOL #H2eSTOL #H2eRotor #ZEVstation #VTOLsociety #VTOL #eVTOL #eVTOLnews #H2flight #HydrogenFlight #H2aero #H2airport #AAM #UAM #AirTaxi #eVTOL2023
#faa #archer #hydrogen #electricvtol #helicopter #h2evtol #h2ectol #h2estol #h2erotor #zevstation #vtolsociety #vtol #eVTOL #evtolnews #h2flight #hydrogenflight #h2aero #h2airport #AAM #uam #airtaxi #evtol2023
The @VTOLsociety has published the latest issue of "The Electric VTOL News," Dec. 21, 2022:
The #FAA publishes #Archer’s airworthiness criteria, the AIR ONE transitioned, and VFS publishes a new report on #hydrogen at airports. These stories and more in the latest edition of The #ElectricVTOL News!
#Helicopter #H2eVTOL #H2eCTOL #H2eSTOL #H2eRotor #ZEVstation #VTOLsociety #VTOL #eVTOL #eVTOLnews #H2flight #HydrogenFlight #H2aero #H2airport #AAM #UAM #AirTaxi #eVTOL2023
#faa #archer #hydrogen #electricvtol #helicopter #h2evtol #h2ectol #h2estol #h2erotor #zevstation #vtolsociety #vtol #eVTOL #evtolnews #h2flight #hydrogenflight #h2aero #h2airport #AAM #uam #airtaxi #evtol2023
The @VTOLsociety's Electric VTOL News, Dec. 5, 2022:
#ArcherAviation achieves transition flight, #SkyDrive secures orders for SD-05, and #Airbus details work on #hydrogen #aviation. These stories and more in the latest edition of The #ElectricVTOL News!
Check it out & subscribe to get the latest #eVTOL news!
#avgeek #rotorcraft #helicopter #eVTOL2023 #H2eVTOL #H2 #HFC #H2eCTOL #H2Flight #H2Aviation #HydrogenFlight #HydrogenAviation #VTOL #VerticalFlight #VTOLsociety
#archeraviation #skydrive #airbus #hydrogen #aviation #electricvtol #eVTOL #avgeek #Rotorcraft #helicopter #evtol2023 #h2evtol #h2 #HFC #h2ectol #h2flight #h2aviation #hydrogenflight #hydrogenaviation #vtol #verticalflight #vtolsociety
The @VTOLsociety's Electric VTOL News, Dec. 6, 2022:
#ArcherAviation achieves transition flight, #SkyDrive secures orders for SD-05, and #Airbus details work on #hydrogen #aviation. These stories and more in the latest edition of The #ElectricVTOL News!
Check it out & subscribe to get the latest #eVTOL news!
#avgeek #rotorcraft #helicopter #eVTOL2023 #H2eVTOL #H2 #HFC #H2eCTOL #H2Flight #H2Aviation #HydrogenFlight #HydrogenAviation #VTOL #VerticalFlight #VTOLsociety
#archeraviation #skydrive #airbus #hydrogen #aviation #electricvtol #eVTOL #avgeek #Rotorcraft #helicopter #evtol2023 #h2evtol #h2 #HFC #h2ectol #h2flight #h2aviation #hydrogenflight #hydrogenaviation #vtol #verticalflight #vtolsociety
USA: Get the latest Vertical Flight Society @VTOLsociety Membership News: #HELMOT meeting next week, #eVTOL2023, @PulitzerAirRace kicks off, #VFF scholarships, #VTOL #CareerCenter #HolidaySale, free technical papers, "This Day in VTOL History" and more!
Here online:
#helmot #evtol2023 #vff #vtol #careercenter #holidaysale