Poster submission is open for the "Creating Effective Warnings for All" #Conference
11-13 September 2023, University College London, UK.
#EWS #WarningSystems #Warning #Warnings #DRR #DisasterRisk #DisasterRiskReduction #DisasterWarning #EarlyWarning #EarlyWarningSystems #SendaiFramework #Switch2Sendai #SFDRR #EWEA #EW4A
#conference #ews #warningsystems #warning #warnings #DRR #DisasterRisk #DisasterRiskReduction #disasterwarning #earlywarning #earlywarningsystems #SendaiFramework #Switch2Sendai #SFDRR #ewea #ew4a
'Creating Effective Warnings for All' #Conference
11-13 September 2023, University College London, UK
Registration is now open!
#EWS #WarningSystems #Warning #Warnings #DRR #DisasterRisk #DisasterRiskReduction #DisasterWarning #EarlyWarning #EarlyWarningSystems #SendaiFramework #Switch2Sendai #SFDRR #EWEA #EW4A
#conference #ews #warningsystems #warning #warnings #DRR #DisasterRisk #DisasterRiskReduction #disasterwarning #earlywarning #earlywarningsystems #SendaiFramework #Switch2Sendai #SFDRR #ewea #ew4a
'Creating Effective Warnings for All' #Conference
11-13 September 2023, University College #London, UK
Registration is now open!
#EWS #WarningSystems #Warning #Warnings #DRR #DisasterRisk #DisasterRiskReduction #DisasterWarning #EarlyWarning #EarlyWarningSystems #SendaiFramework #Switch2Sendai #SFDRR #EWEA #EW4A
#conference #london #ews #warningsystems #warning #warnings #DRR #DisasterRisk #DisasterRiskReduction #disasterwarning #earlywarning #earlywarningsystems #SendaiFramework #Switch2Sendai #SFDRR #ewea #ew4a
RT @Buinah
@DisastersRadix @EWEA_FLN 3)The success of #EWEA and its implementation at scale depends on the availability of adequate pre-agreed funds. To date, most #EWEA initiatives are being implemented as pilots’ dues to financial constraints.
RT @Buinah
@DisastersRadix @EWEA_FLN 2)Knowledge of risk is key in prioritising intervention areas however, data that inform risk assessment - hazard, impacts, vulnerability – are not comprehensive nor in desirable granularity. Additionally, methods for risk assessment are not harmonised across the #EWEA community
RT @Buinah
@DisastersRadix @EWEA_FLN 1) The demand for EWI across seamless timescales and fine spatial resolution may not be met by the existing systems. For example, #EWEA focusing on riverine flooding will almost always have a challenge accessing locally developed basin hydrological forecasts.
RT @DisastersRadix
Q2 - What are the biggest challenges the #EWEA community are facing - now and in the future?
RT @DisastersRadix
Q1 - What do you think are the biggest wins, accomplishments, or successes of the #EWEA community so far?
RT @Buinah
@DisastersRadix @EWEA_FLN Well, a few wins come to mind;
1) There has been a slow but significant shift in mindset from reactive to proactive climate risk management.
2) We have seen an increased awareness of and demand for early warning information – at different spatial and temporal scales. #EWEA
3/ We have come a long way in recent years for #EWS, #EWEA #FBEA #FBF and #anticipatoryaction.
We have evidence of what works well, what does not work well.
But we still have gaps in our knowledge and in our application and implementation.
#EWS #ewea #fbea #fbf #anticipatoryaction
Follow @EarlyActionREAP & take a look at their #EWS & #earlyaction resources. The SOP reports provide insights into where we are with #EWEA - gaps, examples of good practice & opportunities that could enable us to reach more people, more effectively.
Still a lot to also when it comes to developing effective #EWs, including the need to ensure effective participation of different genders when developing warnings and choosing communication channels...
RT @MBudimir
On #IWD2023, read our blog post to understand more about how gender shows up in #EWEA and what we can do about it - Gender in early warning and early action: why do we still need to talk about it?
@PracticalAction @ifrc @D…