Finished my EWI part for “Ain’t Nobody" by Rufus and Chaka Khan. Now to find the right sounds. I also need to figure out how to get ForScore to do EWI program changes.
We're live RIGHT NOW with another amazing musician, Dan Abreu! Tonight he's going to be rocking the EWI (among other things) so tune in at #music #funk #synth #ewi #electronic #jam
#music #funk #synth #ewi #electronic #jam
What is the best way on #wordpress to allow users to upload files? I want to start a patch exchange for @ewi #ewi #aerophone #akaiewi users on my site.
#wordpress #ewi #aerophone #akaiewi
This looks interesting, especially for our 30s semi-detached with untreatable cavity! Getting somewhere near Passivhaus would be amazing. And we wouldn't need to move out; pretty essential as we run our business from home. We'd need to insulate under the floor first, but that's on our short-term to-do list anyway.
#RetroFit #PassivHaus #Insulation #EWI #ClimateCrisis #NetZero
#retrofit #passivhaus #insulation #ewi #ClimateCrisis #netzero
Another YouTube video in just under a month. Hooray! This is part two of my ongoing series on Arduino MIDI and my quest to build my own electronic wind instrument.
Genius in action. Michael Brecker working out EWI parts in 1994.
( … obligatory hashtags to make this thread easier to find … #EWI #jazz #windsynth #birthday )
#ewi #jazz #windsynth #birthday
As time goes by...
Tercer dia amb el meu EWI (Electronic Wind Instrument) i ja m'he atrevit a gravar un troç d'un standard de jazz. Potser d'aquí poc m'animo a fer una improvització.
L'he configurat com un saxo tenor, tant la digitació com la transposició. No he tocat mai un saxo de veritat però suposo que això és més fàcil.
#ewi #akai #astimegoesby #jazz
Updated my Roland Aerophone AE-30 to their new firmware. Some cool new features like Scale Tuning and Harmony have been added. Plus some new sounds. It saved all my existing presets.
ARD #Fact berichtete gestern über mögliche Überkapazitäten und die #EWI Studie
Das Energiewirtschaftliche Institut (#EWI) aus Köln soll im Auftrag des @BMWK berechnen, wie viele #LNG-Terminals notwendig sind. Doch das Institut ist eng mit der Energiewirtschaft verbunden. Das ist fragwürdig.
#ewi #lng #lobbyismus #lobbycontrol #gaslobby #lobbypipelines
RT @lobbycontrol
Das Energiewirtschaftliche Institut (#EWI) aus Köln soll im Auftrag des @BMWK berechnen, wie viele #LNG-Terminals notwendig sind. Doch das Institut ist eng mit der Energiewirtschaft verbunden. Das ist fragwürdig. Unsere Pressemitteilung: 👇
i have the theme from #BubbleBobble stuck in my head every single moment of every single day #ewi
messing around with Suburban Museum from #NiGHTSintoDreams on the #warbl #EWI. it's interesting, when you strip everything else away it does sound folk-y!
To bring myself down off the ledge of buying a bass clarinet (absurdly expensive when you get all the accessories, and extremely finicky to maintain) I bought a used #EWI instead. An older one with CV connection, because I’m a sucker for #analog synths. I figure it will be fun and it will help me decide if I like playing a clarinet-style instrument.
practicing Emerald Hill Zone from #Sonic 2 on the #warbl #EWI. i really need to learn how to stop scowling at the camera lol
🐾≈ 固定用 ≈🎼
🎮 #ゲーム
🎶 楽器演奏(#EWI #ユーフォニアム)
💻 #プログラミング
✨ママ @syumashi
#vtuber #ナオあ #プログラミング #ユーフォニアム #ewi #ゲーム
finally caved and bought a #warbl #ewi. it arrived like three days before it was supposed to and i am loving it so far
I am looking for some advice on wind synthesizers. How do the Sylphio and the Aerophone compare? What are the main differences. #ewi #wx5 #wx11 #windsynth #midi #breathcontroller #midisax #electronicsaxophone #electronicmusic #ableton #logic
#ewi #wx5 #wx11 #windsynth #midi #breathcontroller #midisax #electronicsaxophone #electronicmusic #ableton #logic
So like in 2021 Roland offered Aerophone Pro users 6 months of Roland Cloud, which was cool cause they also released a pretty sweet sound packs around that time.
You also got access to a bunch of other Roland products in the subscription, which I didn’t have time to explore much.
So the question is, is it worth getting a subscription to Roland Cloud? And what membership level makes sense?
#roland #rolandcloud #ewi #aerophonepro