Justine Smithies · @JustineSmithies
915 followers · 2583 posts · Server fosstodon.org

When Nerd Fonts makes some of your icons vanish and you discover that made certain ones obsolete. All updated to new versions now. :eyeroll:


Last updated 1 year ago

Tomkoid · @tomkoid
24 followers · 454 posts · Server fosstodon.org

is actually really awesome when you can understand it

#eww #ewwbar

Last updated 1 year ago

Oh what the heck if you can't beat them join them. Just added rounded corners to , and and changed Fuzzels border width and color. I'm easily pleased. 😂


#ewwbar #foot #fuzzel #tilingwm #linux

Last updated 1 year ago

@Qper I've pushed my and to my repo over on @Codeberg f you're interested ? Just remember that they are in no way perfect and work just fine so far on my dual screen setup aka 1 laptop and one external screen. 😉

#Hyprland #ewwbar #dotfiles #git #tilingwm

Last updated 1 year ago

It's looking more and more like I'll be switching full time to as I've been able to do more than I could with my :heart: and also being able to run without issue for my home studio setup is really important to me too. I've managed to get everything just as I like it using and I don't even need anymore. I have a dual screen setup that does everything that I need from it and it took a while to workout what I needed to do code wise but it works for me.

#Hyprland #qtile #ardour #ewwbar #Kanshi

Last updated 1 year ago

lawrencegripper · @lawrencegripper
105 followers · 180 posts · Server fosstodon.org

folks need opinions. I recently moved to and like but opening the “oooh custom status bars” box has lead me to (elkowar.github.io/eww/configur)

#linuxdesktop #polybar #ewwbar

Last updated 2 years ago

Boost got my / custom workspace and dispatcher scripts working on my dual screen setup and they still work on a single too if the external screen is unplugged. Only issue left to sort is when the external is plugged back in that screens bar is gone. So I'll have to use a hook for detecting the screen being reconnected and make sure the bar restarts then hopefully job done. I'm trying to avoid having to use if it can be helped.

#ewwbar #Hyprland #Kanshi #archlinux

Last updated 2 years ago

Still playing with and trying various Wayland status bars. I notice that makes my P14s run 10°C hotter than does. :thinking:

#Hyprland #waybar #archlinux #thinkpad #ewwbar

Last updated 2 years ago

Realised I don't need to reload the config after updating with . I just need to check for the number of updates and update the widget variable with eww update $variable="$value" . It's amazing how the answer just comes to you after walking away for a while.
I so ❤ the versatility of Eww bar.

#paru #ewwbar

Last updated 2 years ago

Came across a funky issue whilst configuring my this week so I'm sharing this in case it helps anyone else?
I made my own arch updates widget and thought I could do the following with the onclick option but it never ran the second command see below.

:onclick "foot paru; ${EWW_CMD} reload"

So eventually I worked it out and the format should be as below instead:

:onclick "foot bash -c 'paru; ${EWW_CMD} reload'&"

#ewwbar #eww #Hyprland #linux

Last updated 2 years ago

@Wyatt I'm currently setting up with and it is really good. On I couldn't get all workspaces to show up as default but with eww the only thing that would prevent you from doing this is imagination and knowledge.

#ewwbar #Hyprland #swaybar

Last updated 2 years ago

Mehrad :kdenew: :emacs: 🇪🇺 · @Mehrad
638 followers · 3654 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Has anyone used tiling window manager? I have some questions about hyprctl and how to create a hook for changing workspaces.

#Hyprland #wayland #ewwbar #askfedi #askfediverse

Last updated 2 years ago