24. Complex/simple RPG you play?
I think Exalted and Shadowrun are among the most complex games I've played regularly.
Pretty sure Lasers & Feelings is the simplest I've ever played/run.
Champions and Powers & Perils would be the most complex games I've ever made characters for (although Champions looked like it would not be that complex in play once the characters were done).
#LasersAndFeelings #Exalted2e #Shadowrun #ChampionsRPG #PowersAndPerils
#rpgaday2023 #lasersandfeelings #exalted2e #shadowrun #ChampionsRPG #PowersAndPerils
22. Best secondhand RPG purchase?
My now wife got me into Exalted 2nd Edition, and I rapidly acquired a nearly complete collection of books largely bought second hand through Noble Knight Games.
Then we got married, and now we have two collections of Exalted 2nd Edition books...
Semi-periodic reminder that I have a #KoFi page
In addition to the #CharacterSheet s you can already get there for free, I will be making my games available there for purchase digitally as well.
#TTRPG #indieTTRPG #DnD5e #Scion2e #Scion1e #Exalted2e #L5R4e #7thSea2e #ContentCreator
#kofi #charactersheet #ttrpg #indiettrpg #dnd5e #scion2e #scion1e #exalted2e #l5r4e #7thsea2e #contentcreator
I don't like being of the Tome of Smirks (FB) but I sometimes get messages through my old page asking for my old #CharacterSheets.
So I made an announcement that my website where they were hosted won't be up anytime soon. Instead, I plan on uploading them to Google Drive as a temporary solution. The link is on (ugh) FaceBook
#TTRPG #ScionRPG #Scion2e #Exalted2e #Exalted3e #L5R4e
#charactersheets #ttrpg #scionrpg #scion2e #exalted2e #exalted3e #l5r4e
Brief #Introduction: This instance is my gaming-only profile; my primary profile is @Zarffyn@octodon.social
I'm a long-time gamer. I started playing AD&D in 1996 and I started as a GM, not a player. I never played until about 6 years later. I've played a lot of different RPGs, but my favorites are #SavageWorlds #Pathfinder1E and #Exalted2E. I am currently GMing a Deadlands/ScionRPG mashup I call "Poisoned Paradise" using #SavageWorlds and playing in my husband's #Exalted2E game.
#introduction #savageworlds #pathfinder1e #exalted2e