Today's #ExaltedDemake game involved taking on my "Corrupt Realm Bureaucrat" destiny to trick some dragonbloods that needed to be Endings'd into being eaten and killed by my Sidereal and his Abyssal compatriots.
And then the third one we needed to get at was killed by one of their death songs and more flamewand (and fangs from abyssal 2).
Mostly just a lot of death, today. But it's my job.
Did some #ExaltedDemake playtest game today. First session. My Sidereal and his two Abyssal 'associates' are hunting down a trio of Dragonblooded that were supposed to be killed, Destiny-wise.
Learned the first of them is muscling in on a fishery. Spent most of the time narrowing his location down via various means including talking to the local town god.
Next time we'll hopefully actually find him!
But it was definitely some fun #Exalted play.
#TTRPG Saw this, so I'll steal it too even though I've already done similar stuff:
Currently Running: #TheBlood, #ExVsWoD (soon)
Currently Playing: #ChangelingTheDreaming, #ExaltedDemake,
Most Played: #ChroniclesOfDarkness
Most Run: Ditto
Want to Try: #WrathAndGlory, #WorldsWithoutNumber, both the games I'm running on the player end...
Want to Return To: #TheEverlasting, #Pathfinder2e
#ttrpg #TheBlood #ExVsWoD #changelingthedreaming #exalteddemake #ChroniclesOfDarkness #wrathandglory #WorldsWithoutNumber #TheEverlasting #pathfinder2e
#ChangelingTheDreaming game involved using 50 tricks to try and track a tentacled monster back to its lair, and then struggling to fight it. Fun times.
#ExaltedDemake's session 0 has us firmly decided that my Sidereal will be trying to herd two Abyssals towards productive means of "destruction." (He's Chosen of Endings, it'll work, he can totally fix them!)
#changelingthedreaming #exalteddemake
Tonight's plan is to play some #ChangelingTheDreaming (20th) in a new game and then to immediately go into a session 0 for the #ExaltedDemake playtest a different group is doing.
Should be fun. Busy, but fun.
(Pic is my Chosen of Endings Sidereal)
#changelingthedreaming #exalteddemake