JBRoss · @jbross
16 followers · 325 posts · Server mstdn.party

"What our eyes behold may well be the text of life but one's meditations on the text and the disclosures of these meditations are no less a part of the structure of reality." — Wallace Stevens — — —

#wallacestevens #quote #quotes #life #reflection #meditation #reality #examine

Last updated 2 years ago

Nando161 · @nando161
541 followers · 22982 posts · Server kolektiva.social

"the like. "barbies/cottagecore is for and legos/dark academia is for but idk !" type are actually a perfect encapsulation of the way so many will regurgitate straight up undiluted and roles and not stop for even a second to where that thought process might come from because surely since they themselves are not right wing there's absolutely no need to interrogate their own thinking at any point.

it's the idea that merely believing themselves to be left wing/progressive is already enough and there's no point to work on themselves and their beliefs any further than that, as if they didn't still grow up in a culture that's steeped in misogynistic values and spoonfeeds them to absolutely everybody from the moment they're born, and as if it's not a lifelong process for everyone to identify the way they've been shaped and influenced by that and actively counteract it.

but i guess that would require admitting how deep this stuff actually runs and that misogyny is in fact not diet "


#girls #boys #why #statements #people #rightwing #misogyny #gender #examine #oppression

Last updated 2 years ago

wasmormon · @wasmormon
63 followers · 117 posts · Server mas.to
Raghavendra Yadav · @raghuyadav50
5 followers · 12 posts · Server econtwitter.net

Every person can not see the . Some things are not visible to the normal eyes, is needed to see them. If you are not enough capable to see it in then you can not it.

#real_growth #knowledge #totality #examine

Last updated 2 years ago

Nando161 · @nando161
276 followers · 8665 posts · Server kolektiva.social
gwfoto · @gwfoto
162 followers · 701 posts · Server newsie.social

These can !

Looks Nothing Like What You’ve Been Told

“When we the after a procedure, everyone is consistently . They expect to see an , fetus or at least some body parts,” he told us, describing the students’ experience as “underwhelmed.”

But our primary daily work, of course, is with patients And when our patients look at the tissue, it often makes them realize how much guilt or even shame they


#images #change #minds #early #abortion #examine #tissue #surprised #Embryo

Last updated 2 years ago

But the I, their and cunning, says to them,
“Why are you the me like this?
Bring the me a denarius of , so that the I may it.”
And they brought a shiny one.

#sdtps #perceiving #hypocrisy #testing #emperor #tiberius #caesar #examine #new #tibtm137

Last updated 2 years ago

Syberia · @Syberia
418 followers · 14213 posts · Server noagendasocial.com
WordofTheHour · @wordofthehour
2115 followers · 32001 posts · Server botsin.space

: to inspect carefully with a view to discover the real character or state of

- French: examine

- German: überprüfen

- Italian: esaminare

- Portuguese: examinar

- Spanish: examinar


Join our new Discord Server for language learners @ wordofthehour.org/discord


Last updated 2 years ago

Parliamo di news! · @parliamodinews
15 followers · 87553 posts · Server masthead.social