Artemisia Vulgaris · @CommonMugwort
770 followers · 4020 posts · Server

Leaving Athens again for a couple of months tomorrow, so one last bit of street art. It’s painted on four different surfaces on the left.

#streetart #exarchia #athens

Last updated 1 year ago

Velocity22 🏴‍☠️ · @Velocity2222
1315 followers · 7802 posts · Server
Armeline 😷 :mastoread: 🤬 · @armeline
337 followers · 1791 posts · Server

Mathilde Larrere (@LarrereMathilde): "Athènes, Exarchia ( la place est désormais fermée par des palissades, gardées par des flics casqués)" | nitter
des photos des murs

#athenes #grece #exarchia #tags

Last updated 1 year ago

Gagui · @Gagui
42 followers · 104 posts · Server

Pendant mon séjour à Athènes, en me promenant dans le quartier d' je remarque une forte présence de la police anti-émeute, des pantacartes militantes...

En tant que touriste d'investigation, je décide de faire une revue de presse et je découvre pourquoi ce mélange entre contestation et repression.


Last updated 1 year ago

, , and have a long history of , which has been deeply influential in the history of the region. The ongoing resistance there to and his of is no exception. If we think about the places around the where anarchists are posing the most serious, direct, and globally consequential threats to , this region has to be near the top of that list. I think about , , , , the , the , , and as well, and many in these places have expressed their solidarity with the struggle in the region. Of course, there are countless others and these are just the ones that come to mind.

Even if Putin hangs onto power by the end of this, and that's a major if, he'll be deeply weakened. The march into , and the apparent negotiations in response, sent a message. He's shown that he can be challenged by opposition groups, of which there are many. Wagner and are terrible, Nazi scum. But they're not the only ones putting up a fight against Putin. Anarchists have been risking their lives to military operations all along, and what we know is very little of what's likely to be happening. By the end of the war, anarchists in the region might very well have a position strong enough to defend large against and reactionary forces, if that's a goal of theirs. At least, it seems that way to me as an outsider.

But that work doesn't come without severe danger. All along, anarchists in all three countries have faced state . In Russia and Belarus, there are numerous in need of anarchist support. In Russia, according to Beau of the Fifth Column, Putin has added drug enforcement cops to the national security force. These cops have been chosen for their skillsets of keeping quiet and hidden amongst crowds, and dynamic entries to abduct their targets. This suggests preparations for a targeted crackdown on dissent.

The best way I know of to support the anarchist struggle in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus is through the . The main reason why we should do so isn't because of any strategic potential, although there is a lot, but because they are fellow human beings who need our .

#russia #Ukraine #belarus #anarchism #Anarchist #putin #war #imperialism #world #capitalism #Rojava #burma #brazil #italy #philippines #USSouth #exarchia #chiapas #wagner #moscow #Prigozhin #sabotage #liberatedzones #state #repression #politicalprisoners #international #internationalantifascistdefensefund #solidarity

Last updated 1 year ago

Autonomie und Solidarität · @autonomysolidarity
1921 followers · 3160 posts · Server

One more State Murder - One more Riot

"Police says, also in Galatsi a 20 years old migrant from Syria stole a car and was spotted at a toll station on the road to Larissa. Police tried to stop the car on Saturday, July 8 and they chased the car until it to drove into a fence near Larissa. The driver tried to escape, jumping over a fence from a house, when he was executed by a police officer, shooting him in the back. Police says also, the Syrian national was in prison until March for bringing people over the Greek border. A very symbolic state murder.

In the evening of the same day, around 100 people attacked the construction site of the new metro line in front of the antiracist festival. This is the metro line which will also connect with Platia of , which is under police occupation for this reason since one year. Some machines from the construction site were burned and arriving police forces came into a street battle at the gate to the festival, which lasted for two hours. The position of the mainly leftist organizers was in solidarity but they were not happy about the riots."

#greece #athens #exarchia #policeviolence #acab #riot #police #abolishthepolice

Last updated 1 year ago

Autonomie und Solidarität · @autonomysolidarity
1920 followers · 3160 posts · Server

Athens: one more state murder - one more riot

"Police says, also in Galatsi a 20 years old migrant from Syria stole a car and was spotted at a toll station on the road to Larissa. Police tried to stop the car on Saturday, July 8 and they chased the car until it to drove into a fence near Larissa. The driver tried to escape, jumping over a fence from a house, when he was executed by a police officer, shooting him in the back. Police says also, the Syrian national was in prison until March for bringing people over the Greek border. A very symbolic state murder.

In the evening of the same day, around 100 people attacked the construction site of the new metro line in front of the antiracist festival. This is the metro line which will also connect with Platia of , which is under police occupation for this reason since one year. Some machines from the construction site were burned and arriving police forces came into a street battle at the gate to the festival, which lasted for two hours. The position of the mainly leftist organizers was in solidarity but they were not happy about the riots."

#greece #exarchia #policeviolence #acab #riot #athens #police #abolishthepolice

Last updated 1 year ago

AstroCartridge :fedora: · @astrocartridge
178 followers · 778 posts · Server

Για όσους φίλους βρίσκονται στην Αθήνα, ανοίγει σήμερα στις 7 το βράδυ στα Εξάρχεια ο ελεύθερος κοινωνικός χώρος Αλτάι - όνομα εμπνευσμένο απο το ομώνυμο βιβλίο των Wu Ming.

(το έμαθα απο τον καλό μου φίλο Wu Ming 1 😅 )

Να πάτε και να υποστηρίξετε!

#wuming #altai #athens #ελευθεροςκοινωνικοςχωρος #εξαρχεια #exarchia

Last updated 1 year ago

Artemisia Vulgaris · @CommonMugwort
645 followers · 2178 posts · Server

I can’t tell if this is a shrine or home decoration. Across the pedestrian street, someone is sleeping rough under the shade in a semi-permanent campsite.

#athens #exarchia #urbanphotography #urbanlife #greece

Last updated 1 year ago

Czarna Teoria :molotov: · @czarnateoria
112 followers · 68 posts · Server


"Drugą stroną rozwoju i gentryfikacji jest, jak zawsze, represja i inwigilacja. Umundurowani śmiecie [policjanci] przykrywają blachą plac budowy metra na placu i uniemożliwiają mieszkańcom korzystanie ze wzgórza Strefi, które powoli ulega zniszczeniu. Kina i squaty są tłamszone i zamykane, podczas gdy pojawiają się hipsterskie sklepy; w coraz większej ilości miejsc wokół tych nowych biznesów umieszczane są kamery. Kamery te są również wykorzystywane przez państwo w celu zdławienia walki i konfliktowych działań ludzi w okolicy. Ostatnim i charakterystycznym przykładem są kamery w alejce wokół pomnika anarchisty A. Grigoropoulosa, które zostały użyte przez państwo podczas ostatnich grudniowych mobilizacji."

#akcjabezposrednia #exarchia #gentryfikacja #directaction #gentrification

Last updated 2 years ago

Preston MacDougall · @ChemicalEyeGuy
203 followers · 5495 posts · Server

Listening 👂 to @RickSteves talk with Effie Perperi about neighborhood in Athens, on @NPR 📻.

Fascinated by the ‘cop-free’ and graffiti-rich ‘’ zone of . 👉 v

#Greece #Anarchist #exarchia

Last updated 2 years ago

Seebrücke Frankfurt · @seebrueckeffm
1600 followers · 4888 posts · Server

"Es geht darum, die letzten verbliebenen Begegnungsorte der antiautoritären Bewegung in Exarchia zu zerstören."

, staatliche Aufwertungspläne und Aufstandsbekämpfung im Athener Stadtteil . Der Kampf gegen und geht jedoch unvermindert weiter.

Till Hanauer & Philipp Leserer

#gentrifizierung #exarchia #verdrangung #aufwertung #athens #εξάρχεια #antireport

Last updated 2 years ago

Πίσω από τις λαμαρίνες υπάρχει ακόμα η πλατεία μας.

#antireport #exarchia

Last updated 2 years ago

Σήμερα στις 8π.μ. με συνοδεία μηχανων της αστυνομίας εμφανίστηκε το γνωστό πια μαύρο αυτοκίνητο μεταφέροντας ένα (!) άτομο. Η μπουλντοζα παραμένει στη μέση της πλατείας.

Αύριο, Πέμπτη, 5 Ιανουαρίου, συνέλευση στις 7μ.μ., Τσαμαδού 15.

#exarchia #antireport

Last updated 2 years ago


#exarchia #antireport

Last updated 2 years ago

Κάλαντα 31/12/22: Κι αρχή καλός μας χρόνος ιστορία γράφει ο δρόμος! μέσω

#exarchia #antireport

Last updated 2 years ago

Spicy Spider-man · @Pizza_p_Parker
98 followers · 263 posts · Server
Ingo D. Wetrust · @iptamenos3
125 followers · 182 posts · Server

Goedenavond uit , . . .
"ze plantten angst in ons, maar er groeiden vleugels"
"They planted fear in us, but wings grew"

#exarchia #athens #graffiti #streetart

Last updated 2 years ago

Ingo D. Wetrust · @iptamenos3
144 followers · 246 posts · Server

Goedenavond uit , . . .
"ze plantten angst in ons, maar er groeiden vleugels"
"They planted fear in us, but wings grew"

#exarchia #athens #graffiti #streetart

Last updated 2 years ago