#astronomie #exaspération Quand je vois les sujets aux infos sur la "super-lune"... Les gens sont persuadés de la voir plus grosse alors que la différence est à peine perceptible (la lune dans le ciel, c'est la taille d'un trou d'œillet de copie tendue à bout de bras)...
Aspiration: I should strive for peace, understanding, and forgiveness. Inner peace is an inexhaustible resource that we limit because we choose to.
Current Mood on world affairs:
#aiart #midjourney #exasperation
I'm not surprised at all that the frontend ecosystem pendulum is starting to swing away from React Hooks. Of course hooks were a bad idea. I could have told you that right out of the gate.
Javascript developers so badly want to colocate their business logic with their view logic, and they'll tolerate all kinds of perverse patterns to enable that.
#react #hooks #exasperation #reduxplease
@MistyMelanie @actuallyautistic @Tooden Only very mildly #snark. More #exasperation about keeping up with how to be #acutallyautistic the #rightway on #mastodon. One of my #autistic features is #followingrules. So if the rules changed, I definitely want to know.
#snark #exasperation #AcutallyAutistic #rightway #mastodon #autistic #followingrules
My colleagues are planning a retirement celebration for my boss and have opted to do it exactly 2 weeks after the winter holiday break ends at a restaurant (indoors because January) so I won't be attending. I will be missing out on that as well as the planned professional group photo for the region's employees. That's... neat. #exasperation #COVID19 #pandemic #RSV #fluseason
#fluseason #RSV #pandemic #COVID19 #exasperation