#Excarnation = the practice of removing the flesh and organs of the dead
...according to #Wikipedia.
#internationalpoliticaltheory #wikipedia #excarnation
Among such traces are, for instance, #CutMarks on human bones - whose origin and meaning, admittedly, could have a variety of possible reasons ... of which the removal of flesh (physical "#excarnation") *might* be one.
This rather recent study on skull fragments from the Pre-Pottery Neolithic site of #GöbekliTepe may illustrate that point:
#cutmarks #excarnation #gobeklitepe
This, #plastering and #painting, of course only could have been done to the bare #bones once there was no flesh left anymore - hinting at an exhumation of bodies at some point ... or what we would call #excarnation ("defleshmen"') in the course of #burial #ritual.
#plastering #painting #bones #excarnation #burial #ritual