In German public news: a preprint study based on public health insurance data (of 10m insurees) concludes that ¾ of German excess deaths in 2020-2022 were due to the pandemic.
#covid #corona #ubersterblichkeit
#excessdeath #ubersterblichkeit #Corona #covid
#COVID #Pandemic deaths in #Ohio and #Florida show partisan divide after #vaccine rollout
After April 1, when all adults in both states were eligible for #vaccination, a gap emerged in the rate of #excessdeaths between #Republican and #Democratic voters. Republicans had an excess death rate 7.7 percentage points higher than their blue counterparts, amounting to a 43 percent difference in the #excessdeath rates.
#covid #pandemic #ohio #florida #vaccine #vaccination #excessdeaths #republican #democratic #excessdeath
The pandemic’s true death toll:
"Although the official number of deaths caused by covid-19 is now 6.9m, our single best estimate is that the actual toll is 22m people. We find that there is a 95% chance that the true value lies between 17.7m and 30.6m additional deaths."
#CovidIsNotOver #excessdeath #sarscov2 #COVID #COVID19
World wide #ExcessDeath estimations by the #TheEconomist. For 2022 the excess death rate is around one every one million people per day (excluding China). Or about 5% over pre-covid forecasts.
Excess Deaths declined during year 2 of pandemic, probably because of vaccinations
#CovidIsNotOver #covid #excessdeath #vaccination
15 million excess deaths worldwide were caused by COVID over two years - WHO | World News | Sky News “on average, each #ExcessDeath led to a loss of more than 22 years of life, with the highest amount lost in people aged 55-64.
The figures, included in a new #WHO report, are the clearest indication yet of the devastating legacy of the #pandemic on a global scale.”
RT Greg Travis
The most amazing thing about this is not the fact that the largest percentage of excess pandemic deaths is in the 35-44 and 25-34 year age groups
But how much the wrong "COVID is mild in children" narrative was driven by successes in mitigating COVID in the first year
Thread by @greg_travis on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App
#COVID #ExcessDeath
Anstieg der Übersterblichkeit bei Krebs, Atemwegserkrankungen, Kreislauferkrankungen, Alzheimer … – Daten aus Schottland #NationalRecordsofScotland #Atemwegserkrankungen #RespiratoryDiseases #CirulatoryDiseases #Übersterblichkeit #ExcessMortality #Todesursachen #ExcessDeath #Impfung #Cancer #Krebs
#krebs #cancer #impfung #excessdeath #todesursachen #excessmortality #ubersterblichkeit #cirulatorydiseases #respiratorydiseases #atemwegserkrankungen #nationalrecordsofscotland
Excess #cardiovascular #mortality across multiple #COVID19 waves in the United States from March 2020 to March 2022
@erictopol quote:
"The persistent excess of cardiovascular deaths in the United States through the 1st 2 years of the pandemic, consistent throughout 5 Covid waves, even well after surges in cases waned"
#cardiovascular #mortality #covid19 #cvd #SARS2 #sarscov2 #excessdeath
Love this segment from @mehdihasan and @JeremyFaust!
#debunkcovididiots #CovidIsNotOver #excessdeath
May I simplify for you?
Top experts find that mass media are lying about the most important things in life. That thing called death.
Dr John Campbell 11-1-23
Reports again the continuing & internationally occurring incidences of excess deaths.
Obviously the Anti-Vax-Mask-Lockdown brigades will & do try very hard to use this for their overly amplified & often wrong tropes.
John is saying that there is authority silence that needs to be broken on why excess deaths continue to occur & have affected all age ranges & in many nations.
#excessdeath #medical #research #transparency #who
#ExcessDeath explodes in 2021 and 2022, makes 2020 pandemic look trivial
#ExcessDeath explodes in 2021 and 2022, makes 2020 pandemic look trivial
@ASlavitt Any idea why no major outlet has reported on US #ExcessDeath in almost a year? Are they afraid of having to parse the anti-vax nonsense?
According to Our World in Data, the US is at 3500 deaths per million, it's never been higher, and ours is one of the highest in countries w/ the capacity to count.
My anecdotal evidence stems from a mortician friend. Her industry has been slammed in a way outside of anyone's memory.
Neither the #WashingtonPost nor the #NYT has run a story on #ExcessDeath in nearly a year. Recent estimates put the US at 3500 excess deaths per million.
Thinking lately that upward wage pressure comes more from too many dead workers, especially those not likely to test for #SARSCoV2 or have an autopsy.
Employers and the #ChamberOfCommerce prefer to blame the lazy & greedy.
#washingtonpost #nyt #excessdeath #SarsCoV2 #chamberofcommerce
#pfeizer #mRNA #excessDeath #depopulationAgenda #vaccineMandates
The body of data is very significant. How is it possible that people are not in the street overthrowing their government?
#pfeizer #mrna #excessdeath #depopulationagenda #vaccinemandates
High #excessdeath cases worldwide linked to #COVID #vaccine #vaccinekills
#vaccinekills #vaccine #COVID #excessdeath
High #excessdeath cases worldwide linked to #COVID #vaccine
#vaccinekills #vaccine #COVID #excessdeath
High #excessdeath cases worldwide linked to #COVID #vaccine
#vaccinekills #vaccine #COVID #excessdeath