'Doorbell ditch' turns violent: Georgia teen reportedly injured, and Delaware troopers' response probed #Georgia #Delaware #Police #LawEnforcement #ExcessiveForce
#georgia #Delaware #police #lawenforcement #excessiveforce
Officer who Tasered vulnerable man six times in Greater Manchester sacked | Police | The Guardian
#taser #police #policeviolence #smith #PhillipSmith #mentalhealth #suicide #welfare #greatermanchesterpolice #excessiveforce #GratuitousViolence #LackOfRespect #vulnerable #VulnerablePerson
#AGGarland Details Shocking Examples of #MinneapolisPD Routinely ‘Using #ExcessiveForce’ After #DOJ Investigation
#aggarland #minneapolispd #excessiveforce #doj
#DOJ probe into #Minneapolis #police finds #racialdiscrimination and #excessiveforce
#doj #minneapolis #police #racialdiscrimination #excessiveforce
“Our investigation found that the systemic problems in MPD made what happened to George Floyd possible,” the #DOJ report stated.
The #Minneapolis #Police Dept engaged in the #systemic use of #ExcessiveForce & #discriminated against #racial minorities in the years leading up to the police killing of #GeorgeFloyd…, federal authorities said Fri.
#MinneapolisPoliceReport #MPD #CivilRights #bias #racism #SystemicRacism #MentalHealthStigma #Justice
#doj #minneapolis #police #systemic #excessiveforce #discriminated #racial #georgefloyd #minneapolispolicereport #mpd #civilrights #bias #racism #systemicracism #mentalhealthstigma #justice
#JusticeDept’s blistering #LouisvillePolice probe
#DOJ on Wed released findings of an extensive fed investigation into the #LouisvilleMPD, concluding the dept has a practice of violating the #Constitution & using #ExcessiveForce. In an 86p rpt, the #DOJ painted a dire pic of #LouisvillePD, recounting examples of officers being unnecessarily #violent, using #racist rhetoric & failing to properly investigate #SexualViolence & #DomesticViolence.
#justicedept #louisvillepolice #doj #louisvillempd #constitution #excessiveforce #louisvillepd #violent #racist #sexualviolence #domesticviolence
Box glue comparison:
Case of wine 🍷 bottles - two little blebs on either top and bottom flap near the center join.
- Holds tight but opens easily by hand with little force.
Raspberry danish from Target - 1/2 inch wide stripe down both sides and the entire front edge.
- Requires a small knife and careful force to open without destroying the box.
What are we protecting from who? 🤫
#BlackMastodon #BlackFedi #PoliceUseOfTasers #ExcessiveForce
LDF challenged qualified immunity in excessive force case (where unarmed and non-resisting man was tased twice and pepper sprayed) and won.
LDF Secures Victory in Qualified Immunity Excessive Force Case Involving Taser and Pepper-Spray Deployment
#blackmastodon #BlackFedi #policeuseoftasers #excessiveforce
Atlanta Police Release Body Camera Footage of Activist Killing at ‘Cop City’ https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/wxnvgx/atlanta-police-release-body-camera-footage-of-activist-killing-at-cop-city #AtlantaPD #StopCopCity #ExcessiveForce #PoliceAccountability #ManuelEstebanPaezTeran
#AtlantaPD #StopCopCity #excessiveforce #policeaccountability #manuelestebanpaezteran
Treated like a tool
Excessive force brought to bear
No justice for Tyre
#policing #excessiveforce #tyrenichols #haiku #poetry
#tyrenichols #policing #excessiveforce #haiku #poetry
Global News BC: ‘Very traumatizing’: Myles Gray’s family unsure they’ll attend April inquest https://globalnews.ca/news/9425595/myles-gray-inquest-family/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #fatalconfrontationwithpolice #BCProsecutionService #Vancouverpolicedeath #BCCoronersService #Coroner'sInquest #mylesgrayinquest #vancouverpolice #DeathinCustody #excessiveforce #MylesGray #Inquest #Crime #VPD
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #fatalconfrontationwithpolice #BCProsecutionService #vancouverpolicedeath #BCCoronersService #Coroner #mylesgrayinquest #vancouverpolice #deathincustody #excessiveforce #mylesgray #Inquest #crime #VPD
El Paso shelter says video of officer slamming person on ground shows ‘excessive force’ https://flip.it/WBQ91b #ExcessiveForce
Okay, this is not fine. A not insignificant part of the "Defund the Police" movement is really to transfer funds to mental health crisis response. #Police are the "if all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail" solution (plus some of those folks are just power hungry nuts). As an attorney, I've noted many instances where a police officer acted inappropriately with no accountability. #police #dementia #excessiveforce #GiveASeniorABeatdown https://www.usatoday.com/in-depth/news/investigations/2022/11/22/police-arrests-elderly-unique-risks-dementia-alzheimers/10455567002/
#giveaseniorabeatdown #excessiveforce #dementia #Police
The US has more citizens locked up than ANY other country in the world.
It's a shameful horrific embarrassment of what America is supposed to be. Where's the "greatness" in all this hypocrisy?
Land of the Free?
Humanitarian Wars?
Socio-economic-enviro Justice?
Bill of Rights?
Nah, nothing to see here...
#CorporateSocialism #CorporateRule
#OwnedTogether 🐷🐷🐷
#ownedtogether #selfenrichment #corporatewelfare #micbudget #excessiveforce #prisonforprofit #corporaterule #corporatesocialism