I've updated my website to include Video Game related replacements. As much as i love gaming, the planet is more important.
#Nintendo #anticapitalism #anarchy #anarchism #Xbox #XBOX360Marketplace #playstation #steam #valve #excessivehashtags #wiiueshop #3dseshop #videogamehistory #videogamehistoryfoundation #videogamepreservation
#nintendo #anticapitalism #anarchy #anarchism #xbox #xbox360marketplace #playstation #steam #valve #excessivehashtags #wiiueshop #3dseshop #videogamehistory #videogamehistoryfoundation #videogamepreservation
@mattly I’d edit ‘Puget’ to ‘pungent’ to double down on the autocorrect joke. #dontmindme #drivebyjokeworkshopping #excessivehashtags
#dontmindme #drivebyjokeworkshopping #excessivehashtags
Do you like #lisp? Do you like #rpn? Do you like #excessivehashtags? How about ats, such as @SDF?
After quite extended development, you may now see the still in progress version I have been working on, on Github. Codswallop Reverse Polish Lisp, my own dialect of that peculiar language, runs in Python 3, and has full documentation in PDF form. Check it out here and let me know what you think:
To play a game, try typing "wizstat.rpl" DSK> at the prompt.
#ADHD #Antifa #BasicIncome #Bioswales #BLM #BorderCollies #BPD #Cannabis #CatsofMastodon #Compersion #DadJokes #DBT #Debian #Depression #DisposablePerson #DogsofMastodon #Empathy #Equality #ExcessiveHashtags #ExecutiveDisfunction #FBR #GallowsHumor #Humanist #HumanRights #JusticeMatters #LGBTQ+ #LiberalAF #Linux #MaskUp #MentalIllness #MutualAid #NonSequiturs #Persist #Polyamory #ProChoice #Progressive #Puns #Resist #Spaceballs #UBI #USPol #Vaccinated #VoteBlue
#adhd #antifa #basicincome #bioswales #blm #bordercollies #bpd #cannabis #catsofmastodon #compersion #dadjokes #dbt #debian #depression #disposableperson #dogsofmastodon #empathy #equality #excessivehashtags #executivedisfunction #fbr #gallowshumor #humanist #humanrights #justicematters #lgbtq #liberalaf #linux #maskup #mentalillness #mutualaid #nonsequiturs #persist #polyamory #prochoice #progressive #puns #resist #spaceballs #ubi #uspol #vaccinated #voteblue
Reading your profile, and I think #ExcessiveHashtags is my new favorite hashtag.
#bagpipeSlam, n. A #bagpipe solo where everybody plays and #children scream
#np #fediplay #peoplesChoiceMusic #MostUnwantedSong #excessiveHashtags #HashtagsAsHumor
#hashtagsashumor #excessivehashtags #mostunwantedsong #peopleschoicemusic #fediplay #np #children #bagpipe #bagpipeslam