After the devastation of World War One, between 1917-1926 the UK government introduced the "excess profits duty" (tax) of 80% of profits above "pre-war standard profits".
Today, when grotesque profits are being made by big business out of the (so-called) "cost of living crisis", surely it's time for a similar period of excess profit tax?
Surely, it's big businesses "duty" to help us all out in this time of crisis?
Or is this only a "crisis" for the poor?
I won't hold my breath.
#WindfallTax #profiteering #capitalism #BigBusiness #tax #ExcessProfitsTax #profiteering #CostOfLivingCrisis #uk #ukPolitics
#windfalltax #profiteering #capitalism #bigBusiness #tax #excessprofitstax #Costoflivingcrisis #uk #ukpolitics
@rbreich Perhaps you could comment on what the components and process would be for an #ExcessProfitsTax?