More Than $19 Billion in BTC, ETH, Stablecoins Left Exchanges Since the Onset of FTX’s Collapse - For more than 50 days or since Nov. 5, 2022, bitcoin, ethereum, and stablecoin own... - #centralizedtradingplatforms #tradingplatformreserves #centralizedexchanges #decemberoutflows #exchangereserves #stablecoinassets #btconexchanges #ethonexchanges #51daysago
#51daysago #ethonexchanges #btconexchanges #cryptoquant #stablecoinassets #exchangereserves #decemberoutflows #centralizedexchanges #tradingplatformreserves #centralizedtradingplatforms
Report: SEC Heightens Probe Into Auditors Servicing Crypto Exchanges - According to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s Paul Munter, the agency... - #auditingcryptofirms #accountancyfirms #exchangereserves #secinvestigation #chiefaccountant #cryptoexchanges #jeffreyjohanns #auditingfirms #bigfourfirms #btcreserves #ethreserves #mazarsgroup #secinquiry #poraudits #secprobe #audits
#audits #secprobe #poraudits #secinquiry #mazarsgroup #ethreserves #btcreserves #bigfourfirms #auditingfirms #jeffreyjohanns #cryptoexchanges #chiefaccountant #secinvestigation #exchangereserves #accountancyfirms #auditingcryptofirms
Bitcoin’s Third Largest Wallet Changed Hands, but Onchain Data Shows It’s Likely the Same Owner - Last year and during the first half of 2022, speculators assumed the third-largest... - #americancryptocustodian #thirdlargestwallet #3rdlargestaddress #largestbtcwallets #3rdlargestwallet #exchangereserves #coinbasecustody #onchainanalysis #cryptoexchange #bitcoinwallet
#bitcoinwallet #cryptoexchange #onchainanalysis #coinbasecustody #exchangereserves #3rdlargestwallet #largestbtcwallets #3rdlargestaddress #thirdlargestwallet #americancryptocustodian
Coinbase CEO Says Company Holds 2 Million Bitcoin, Reminds People Firm’s ‘Financials Are Public’ - According to Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong, as of Sept. 30, 2022, the company holds... - #coinbasecustodytrustcompany #coinbasebrianarmstrong #coinbaseco-founder #exchangereserves #coinbasebitcoin #coinbasecustody #proofofreserves #bitcoin(btc) #coinbaseceo
#coinbaseceo #bitcoin #proofofreserves #cryptoquant #coinbasecustody #coinbasebitcoin #exchangereserves #coinbaseco #coinbasebrianarmstrong #coinbasecustodytrustcompany