Adrian Riskin · @AdrianRiskin
208 followers · 2538 posts · Server

A few months ago I wrote an essay arguing that the *only* reason water doesn't cost a fortune now is because capital doesn't yet have the control technology to survive the desperation-driven protests which would surely follow such a move.

I was reasoning from first principles but TIL that in 2015 the Irish actually did revolt against a proposed water tax:

"The movement has not withered away as the establishment hoped or expected, even in the face of Garda repression and mainstream media denunciation. There is the sense that there is always some action going on somewhere, and that protest or dissent in general has become a sort of national pastime."

This is exactly the kind of thing capital fears, and exactly the reason water doesn't cost a zillion dollars.

Irish revolt:

My article:

#water #ireland #irishwatetrebellion #diamondwaterparadox #capitalism #resistance #protest #stateviolence #anarchism #economics #usevalue #exchangevalue #paradoxofvalue #government #governmenttechnology

Last updated 1 year ago

Adrian Riskin · @AdrianRiskin
53 followers · 199 posts · Server

State Violence, the Diamond/Water paradox, and an invisible axiom of classical economics.

This essay is part of a larger project on the invisible role that violence plays in capitalist economic theories. My feeling is that conceivably all its paradoxes can be resolved by making the role of violence visible.

So for instance, it's no paradox that water is cheap and diamonds are expensive even though diamonds are close to useless compared to water. Without violence no diamonds would be mined, but also without violence none would really be bought either. And if water is cheap now it's only because capital hasn't yet figured out a stable way to charge money for it.

#stateviolence #anarchism #economics #usevalue #exchangevalue #paradoxofvalue #diamondwaterparadox #capitalism #government #governmenttechnology

Last updated 1 year ago

Victor Jara (Tribute) · @poetapeligroso
27 followers · 120 posts · Server

@wanderinglens Typical of spins this new opt in policy as if they are doing the exact opposite of their real intention - to exploit extract and create

#capitalism #deviantart #aiart #labor #surplusvalue #exchangevalue

Last updated 2 years ago