A quotation from McLaughlin, Mignon:
Never turn down the chance of an adventure, unless such chances are coming thick and fast, and maybe not even then.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #acceptance #adventure #enthusiasm #excitement #invitation #opportunity
#quote #quotes #quotation #acceptance #adventure #enthusiasm #excitement #invitation #opportunity
#binahayat #nature #sky #sea #excitement #water #beach #mountain #green #recess
An exciting discovery sleepover:
- http://p11c.xyz:666/The_quantum_splitter/An_exciting_discovery_sleepover
- https://aryion.com/g4/view/927177
You spend a night with your friend Rani in order to find out what the device you found is about.
#sleepover #experiment #experiments #movie #theories #friends #friendship #discovery #fun #exciting #excitement #device #technology #technologygirl
Elation, with #inkyconditions You’ll forgive me if I enjoy sharing my drawings while I can 🖤
#illustration #mood #excitement #serotonin #happiness #mentalhealth
#mentalhealth #happiness #serotonin #excitement #mood #Illustration #inkyconditions
Popped round to see @berry and play the replacement test pressing for UNSP-LP001. It’s exceeded expectations (which were very high) and the excitement of bringing this album to other people is palpable. #vinyl #testpressing #excitement #musicnews #music
#music #musicnews #excitement #testpressing #vinyl
#excitement : the act of exciting, or the state of being roused into action, or of having increased action
- German: die Aufregung/Spannung
- Italian: emozione
- Portuguese: excitação
- Spanish: emoción
See previous words @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/past
This week's belated #moodmusicmonday on the theme of #excitement is...
#Owane - Summer Jam. #rock #jazz #fusion with odd time signatures and lots of skill and artistry on display. If I need a pick-me-up, this is at the head of the #playlist.
#moodmusicmonday #excitement #owane #rock #jazz #fusion #playlist
A review of V1 of the paper "On the Infinitude of Twin Primes" by Dr. Ryan Matthew Thurman ( @rythur ).
Shared in one of his posts under the url https://ef.msp.org/articles/uploads/ant/submitted/230524-Thurman/230524-Thurman-v1.pdf
#TwinPrimes #Primes #NumberTheory
#TwinPrimeConjecture #UnsolvedProblem #Proof #SolvedProblem
#Simple #Insightful #PrimeClockMethod #Modulo
#Puzzle #GameLike #Thrilled #Captivating #Excitement #Reading #ReadingRecommendation
My background for this review: a layman person without any #degree, with very weak #Math interest (I knew what were prime numbers but never heard of the twin prime conjecture) and lack of math background except for what is taught in high school and the occasional math that pop here and there from my adjacent interests in the process of thinking of process both formal and informally (mainly from #lisp lore for the #ComputerScience side and #Hegel lore for the #Philosophy side of the story)
And now, only after almost 1 month since I have read it, will I review this paper (flushed face 😳).
A paper of 10 pages of content.
The paper is very pleasant and simple to read. Managing to catch our attention and make us read it in one sitting with a child-like excitement and joy. So if you have tendencies to leave things half-done, do not fear, you will get drawn into finishing it without having to fight a moment of boringness.
#philosophy #hegel #computerscience #lisp #math #degree #readingrecommendation #reading #excitement #captivating #thrilled #gamelike #puzzle #modulo #primeclockmethod #insightful #simple #solvedProblem #proof #unsolvedproblem #twinprimeconjecture #numbertheory #primes #twinprimes
Peggy Gou Releases New Single on XL Recordings #2023_06_19 #xlr8r #xlr8r_staff #news #beats #excitement #gudu_records #house #johnga_park #korea
>> https://xlr8r.com/news/peggy-gou-releases-new-single-on-xl-recordings/
#2023_06_19 #xlr8r #xlr8r_staff #news #beats #excitement #gudu_records #house #johnga_park #korea
In this post, I rediscover the #chooseyourownadventure stories I was obsessed with as a kid in the '80s, analyzing how they can serve as best practices for the #branchingscenarios that are now so common in #eLearning. By comparing the two mediums, we find some interesting clues about how to bring #engagement, #excitement, and #learnerchoice to #onlinelearning.
#onlinelearning #learnerchoice #excitement #engagement #elearning #BranchingScenarios #chooseyourownadventure
After yesterday's social ride and ice lolly, today is a far more sedate one: quaxing at the supermarket 😂
#Excitement #BikeTooter #Cycling #ActiveTravel
#excitement #biketooter #cycling #activetravel
Escape Your Comfort Zone: Unlocking Your Potential https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkLUQf5Kspg
Tired of living in your comfort zone? Take a risk and step out! Explore new things, try new foods, travel to new places, and meet new people. Life begins outside of your comfort zone - make the decision to live life to the fullest!
#HeyThere #ComfortZone #TakeRisks #LiveLifeToTheFullest #NewThings #NewFoods #Travel #MeetPeople #Excitement #Fulfillment #Joy #MakeADecision #LifeBeginsOutsideYourComfortZone
#lifebeginsoutsideyourcomfortzone #makeadecision #joy #fulfillment #excitement #meetpeople #Travel #newfoods #newthings #livelifetothefullest #takerisks #ComfortZone #heythere
Even though I've knocked out half my task list for the day, I feel like I'm not getting anything done. Admin day can be like that.
One thing I did was publish a blog post. It's about reigniting enthusiasm for things you normally enjoy but find yourself avoiding: https://smilingtreewriting.com/2023/05/23/tending-my-garden/
#blogpost #writing #gardening #flowers #excitement #tasks
Next weekend I'll be camping out at #Knockengorroch , perhaps the most special small festival in Scotland. #Excitement #Trepidation #Sparkles
#sparkles #trepidation #excitement #knockengorroch
Sometimes doing artwork is as much fun as being in the band.
Anyway, gig coming up.
#bagpipes #excitement #rockandroll #underground #alternative #petone
#bagpipes #excitement #rockandroll #underground #alternative #petone
Today's challenge is to add a little more excitement. Be bold. Dress up. Make it memorable.
#ReadTheStain #writer #blogger #coach #psychology #spirituality #mentalhealth #presence #mindfulness #energy #excitement #passion #creativity
#readthestain #writer #blogger #coach #psychology #spirituality #mentalhealth #presence #mindfulness #energy #excitement #passion #creativity
"Everyone deserves one grand adventure, that one time in life that we always get to point back to and say, Then ... then I was really living." — Cora Carmack — — — #CoraCarmack #quote #quotes #adventure #reallyliving #excitement #living #thrill
#coracarmack #quote #quotes #adventure #reallyliving #excitement #living #thrill
Chicago Bears at Green Bay Packers (1939-11-05)
#Clean #fair #Excitement #Thrills
#clean #fair #excitement #thrills