Stefano Marinelli · @stefano
610 followers · 762 posts · Server

Good evening again, friends of and the !

Today, I continued with the migration of about fifteen from the client's internal datacenter to an external one. I didn't notify them, so they probably won't notice anything tomorrow. Next weekend, I'll proceed with the other servers and complete the operation. I'm documenting everything for a blog post.

I also made some changes to the openbsdjournal bot (@openbsdjournal) as it was pointed out that the output was ugly.

Now, it should be better, and the first test will be tonight in about half an hour. Let's see how it turns out.

I did some gardening too, but the grass was damp, and I was eaten alive by mosquitoes (ah, the Po Valley!).
It's going to rain again tonight.

Ready to start a new week, and I'm finalizing a new service for BSD Cafe. Stay tuned!

#bsdcafe #fediverse #vms #proxmox #datacentermigration #gardeningwoes #botimprovement #blogupdates #newservicecomingsoon #excitingtimesahead

Last updated 1 year ago

Stefano Marinelli · @stefano
600 followers · 699 posts · Server

Good morning, friends of and the !

Today, I have a very busy day ahead, but I'm still trying to finalize the first draft of the static website for the domain "," which currently redirects to this Mastodon instance.

It will be a brief introduction to the project and will include links to all the services we want to feature in our Cafe.

Have a great !

#bsdcafe #fediverse #friday #bsdcommunity #techproject #tgif #excitingtimesahead #bsd #bsds

Last updated 1 year ago

Nicola Monopoli · @nicolamonopoli
72 followers · 22 posts · Server
Henk van der Schuur · @hwschuur
18 followers · 30 posts · Server

So, about last week… @schubergphilis

#adventure #excitingtimesahead

Last updated 2 years ago