· @tallship
60 followers · 437 posts · Server social.sdf.org


Comes up with a login prompt. I gather one needs an actual account to see the public content there?

#tallship #no_joy #exclusionary

Last updated 1 year ago

eicker.news #technews · @technews
71 followers · 645 posts · Server eicker.news

eicker.news »Why did the ? is not a selling point for 99% of people. Decentralisation makes the worse. In no small part, ’s culture is blog.bloonface.com/2023/06/12/

#technews #twittermigration #fail #decentralisation #userexperience #mastodon #exclusionary

Last updated 1 year ago

Wolfeh · @wolfeh
133 followers · 507 posts · Server fosstodon.org

I don't use a kickstand, but the amount of hate that people get over at 's /r/bicycling when people ask about kickstands is ridiculous.

"i PaID a MiLlIoN dOlLaRs FoR a BiKe ThAt Is OnE oUnCe LiGhTeR aNd NoW yOu hAvE tHe AuDaCiTy To AdD wEiGhT tO YoUr BiKe To MaKe It MoRe PrAcTiCaL???!!1!? I hAtE yOu NoW!!!!!1! ZOMG"

#reddit #bike #BikeTooter #bicycling #kickstands #rant #snooty #exclusion #exclusionary #kickstand #practicality #utility #utilitarian

Last updated 2 years ago

Joseph · @mattixmash
31 followers · 1144 posts · Server mas.to

I see this movement in higher Ed and I'm very curious and oddly unsettled. Not because I think it's coddling, grading is necessarily and produces immense stress in students, myself included.

But I do think grading is a metric that should gouge mastery, not learning. A C student who struggles through the class learns far more than the A student who stayed back a year or transferred in but the credits didn't count (3 credit to 4).

#exclusionary #ungrading

Last updated 2 years ago

Nonilex · @Nonilex
353 followers · 929 posts · Server masto.ai

The suit adds to Google’s mounting challenges, as the company is already fending off a separate federal antitrust lawsuit that was filed in fall 2020 during the Trump admin. That suit is scheduled to go to trial later this year & alleges that aspects of Google’s contracts w/other companies are & serve to reinforce Google’s at the expense of rivals. also faces multiple led by state attys general.

#legal #exclusionary #dominance #google #antitrust #lawsuits

Last updated 2 years ago

Pinkunz · @pinkunz
38 followers · 49 posts · Server zork.social

So, preparing the turkey this morning, I was pursuing the included instructions when something gave me pause.

It's all in English. All of it.

I know that the whole thing is stereotypically a white American holiday, but isn't this a little ? It's at least a little rude coming from an enormous brand like . If I can expect in the manual for my food processor, I feel like we should expect it here as well.

#thanksgiving #exclusionary #butterball #spanish #inclusion #bilingual #consideration

Last updated 2 years ago