The Tyee: Mapping. If Conditions Allow #bcnews #TheTyee - via #NationalOceanicandAtmosphericAdministration #exclusiveeconomiczone #OceanExplorationTrust #AnnamariaDeAngelis #DSSVPressureDrop #NicoleRaineault #PointConception #Beaufortscale #oceanmapping #ErinHeffron #RenatoKane #Seabed2030 #U.S.EEZ
#BCNews #TheTyee #nationaloceanicandatmosphericadministration #exclusiveeconomiczone #oceanexplorationtrust #annamariadeangelis #dssvpressuredrop #nicoleraineault #pointconception #beaufortscale #oceanmapping #erinheffron #renatokane #seabed2030 #U
"#MANILA, #Philippines — The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) on Friday disclosed that Chinese fishing vessels were swarming around #IroquoisReef and #SabinaShoal within the country’s #ExclusiveEconomicZone. The military called it 'alarming' and a 'potential threat' to #RectoBank." #WestPhilippineSea #SouthChinaSea #China
'Potential threat': PH military reports Chinese vessels swarming near Iroquois Reef, Sabina Shoal | Global News
#exclusiveeconomiczone #china #southchinasea #westphilippinesea #rectobank #sabinashoal #iroquoisreef #philippines #manila
Maritime conflict heats up as China’s fishing fleet goes dark in Argentine waters.
China’s presence in South American waters extends beyond the South Atlantic. Its fishing vessels swing around the southern tip of Argentina and head north into the Pacific along the coastlines of Chile, Peru and Ecuador.
#InternationalLaw #LawOfTheSea #ExclusiveEconomicZone #Law #LawFedi #LawProfs
#InternationalLaw #lawofthesea #exclusiveeconomiczone #law #lawfedi #lawprofs