RT @alejo_coca
Inspired by the Pangeo gallery and @turingway, @alejo_coca presents @EnvDSbook a community-driven resource incepted @turinginst reducing the barriers to publish #executablenotebooks focused on #opendata #opensource #scalable tools for environmental science
#executablenotebooks #opendata #opensource #scalable
Check out the amazing work by @EnvDSbook !👇🏼
RT @EnvDSbook
Dear followers! After weeks of hard work, we'll soon release an optimised version of our e-book resource. Inspired by @pangeo_data gallery, we've learnt and implemented #automation @github actions to lowering the barriers of future #executablenotebooks #python contributions!
#automation #executablenotebooks #python
RT @alejo_coca
Such a great pleasure to work with @AnneFouilloux in proposing a new chapter about live research objects, a concept we've implemented in @EnvDSbook for #traceable #transparent #executablenotebooks using @reliance_eosc RoHub! Hope more experts & practitioners join the discussion! https://twitter.com/turingway/status/1527709625646301184
#traceable #transparent #executablenotebooks