Evie (SleepyCatten) · @SleepyCatten
2455 followers · 11874 posts · Server cultofshiv.wtf

Allowing my mind to get off the reigns this weekend to relax. It's very much highlighting my own personal struggles with (i.e., how much I have).

I'm doing a mixture of flicking between tasks & getting easily distracted down rabbit holes that absorb me for hours without me noticing the time past.

I'm not letting myself feel guilt over these, as I'm allowing myself the space to do this.

#executiveFunction #executivedysfunction #evietherapymooddiary #therapy

Last updated 1 year ago

Evie (SleepyCatten) · @SleepyCatten
2417 followers · 11059 posts · Server cultofshiv.wtf
Rua M. Williams · @FractalEcho
819 followers · 262 posts · Server kolektiva.social

The Hacking Executive Function Webinar had around 250 attendees! It was amazing to have so many people there.

Many of you were not able to come, and so I have edited the captions and made a recording publicly available. You can watch it on YouTube, or PeerTube (for those of you avoiding the Great Beast).



I also have a new substack, where I will share content related to disability, technology, society, and policy. I will also devote time to answering the many questions I was not able to cover during the session. You will also be able to find out about future events there.


Finally, thank you so much to everyone who was able to donate to Jonmeshia's housing fund. I wanted you to know that because of your support, Jonmeshia is able to move into a new location where she will have better security and stability. When I first started these events, Jonmeshia was in a homeless shelter with her children. Jonmeshia is a black formerly incarcerated mother of 3 who is a neurodivergent burnout too.

Even if you were not able to donate money, know that the attention you gave to this event helped. I would be grateful if you could write about your experience with the webinar on your social media accounts and link to Jonmeshia's housing fund: www.gofundme.com/f/me-and-my-babies-get-housing

Thank you all again,

My best wishes for each of you little neurodivergent beans. <3

#executiveFunction #autistic #webinar #fundraiser #MutualAid

Last updated 1 year ago

Rua M. Williams · @FractalEcho
663 followers · 210 posts · Server kolektiva.social

It's happening again! I am hosting another executive function webinar!

Details are in the registration form. This one is happening SOON. I will do another one at the beginning of the school year if there is enough interest.

Please share widely and directly to people you think will be interested, as organic reach has been murdered.

Please remember that there is an optional but encouraged fundraiser that I am supporting with this event. No one will be turned away, but every little bit helps keep a single Black mother housed: link in registration.


#executiveFunction #webinar #actuallyautistic #AuDHD #adhd #academicchatter #newschoolyear #fundraiser #MutualAid

Last updated 1 year ago

Liam · @SocialGaff
182 followers · 1652 posts · Server cathode.church

My brain: I want to do *thing* but I have no actual impulse to do *thing* at all.
Me: Maybe I'm just focused on this other thing I'm supposed to be doing. *does other thing on to-do list to free up brain*
Brain: I want to do *thing* but I have no actual impulse to do *thing* at all.
Me: *just goes and lies down.*

Partner: Have you had food recently??

Me: ...oh! *consumes food*
Brain: Let's do *thing*! (and these 3 other things!!)


#adhd #executiveFunction #isthisalifehack

Last updated 2 years ago

Rua M. Williams · @FractalEcho
700 followers · 1138 posts · Server kolektiva.social

On Wednesday, February 8th, at 11am EST, I am hosting a on "Hacking for Burnouts".

This webinar is a light-hearted, affirming space to discuss how we struggle and strategize solutions together. Part of the session is based on my research with Autistic adults and part of the session is open Q&A.

Registration is free, though there is an optional fundraiser for a friend of mine who is struggling to make her house a home after enduring homelessness.

Registrants will be able to submit anonymous questions also.

You can register here: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAI

#webinar #executiveFunction #neurodivergent

Last updated 2 years ago

Len n'at · @lendot
84 followers · 1097 posts · Server mastodon.lol

One of the exercises in this app I'm playing with is an object moves around the screen and you have to follow it with the mouse, keeping the pointer in the middle of the object.

I find this particularly noteworthy as an exercise because when my brain goes south I have a lot of difficulty, say, using a jigsaw. My processing and response are horribly delayed and/or disrupted and I'll keep finding myself half an inch off the line with no idea how I got there.


Last updated 2 years ago

Len n'at · @lendot
84 followers · 1084 posts · Server mastodon.lol

Question for / folks: do you use any apps that have exercises, games, etc. for practicing skills in problem areas (e.g. task sequencing, selective attention)? I'm looking for apps written _specifically_ to help with _specific_ areas in these types of disorders; please no recs for things like lumosity or "playing video games really helps."

Boosts welcome

#adhd #executiveFunction

Last updated 2 years ago

hear hear

RT @Hannah_R_Snyder@twitter.com

I've been seeing some posts from well-intentioned faculty about eliminating all deadlines in their classes. I study , and in college , and I'm here to tell you this will hurt the students you are trying to help. . . 1/buckle up

🐦🔗: twitter.com/Hannah_R_Snyder/st

#executiveFunction #stress #mentalhealth #students

Last updated 2 years ago

Florence Ashley · @floralashes
1703 followers · 642 posts · Server mastodon.lol

This is largely the reason why I still use deadlines despite not really caring if students respect them and automatically granting extensions.

RT @Hannah_R_Snyder@twitter.com

I've been seeing some posts from well-intentioned faculty about eliminating all deadlines in their classes. I study , and in college , and I'm here to tell you this will hurt the students you are trying to help. . . 1/buckle up

🐦🔗: twitter.com/Hannah_R_Snyder/st

#executiveFunction #stress #mentalhealth #students

Last updated 2 years ago

Rua M. Williams · @FractalEcho
691 followers · 1122 posts · Server kolektiva.social

I am hosting another webinar on Hacking Executive Function for Neurodivergent Burnouts.

It was well attended the first time, and I had requests for another. This one will be more friendly to people across the Atlantic.

It will be on Wednesday, February 8th at 11am EST.

Details on optional fundraiser for my friend included in registration link.

Register here: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAI

#webinar #neurodivergent #actuallyautistic #executiveFunction #metacognition #adulting #howtomakedothing

Last updated 2 years ago

jerkysnax · @jerkysnax
61 followers · 727 posts · Server mastodon.lol

when u've done so many loads of dishes since xmas week, u just put your midnight snack of toasted ravlies on a paper towel

(i did 98% of the dishes bc i did 0% of the cooking for xmas eve, xmas, nye, OR new years day. so glad i could do something for those that did cook!!)

#executiveFunction #executivedysfuction

Last updated 2 years ago

Zoë K · @ZoeK
45 followers · 123 posts · Server mastodon.lol

Either I won the lottery three days running, or following my interests just happened to lead me to take care of things that were getting very stale on my to-do list.

Today's thing had been on the list for over 2y. It took maximum 45 min of intermittent attention. Happy it's finally done.

#executiveFunction #adhd

Last updated 2 years ago

Zoë K · @ZoeK
44 followers · 117 posts · Server mastodon.lol

Re division of household labour, my partner takes care of grocery shopping, lunch and supper, and dishes/cleaning the kitchen.

Which is great! but I don't love how he handles the dishes/kitchen part (e.g dishes collect until he needs space to make supper, so counters are always cluttered). The clutter makes me a little anxious.

So yesterday I started doing dishes/kitchen my way and I can see the counters and it's tidy and makes me happy :)

#adhd #executiveFunction

Last updated 2 years ago

I use at work to keep me on task and I've tried to use it at home to keep me going with type stuff cleaning, showering etc. I can't figure out why it works for one and not the other. Any ideas?

#trello #executiveFunction #actuallyautistic #AuDHD

Last updated 2 years ago

my apartment got dug out today and now i have cleaning people who will come in weekly

#adhd #iykyk #executiveFunction #executivelyfucked

Last updated 2 years ago

Rua M. Williams · @FractalEcho
517 followers · 978 posts · Server kolektiva.social

I hosted a webinar on Hacking Executive Function for Neurodivergent Burnouts.

I have now uploaded a captioned recording of the session to PeerTube and YouTube.



The event was free but there was an optional fundraiser for my friend, who is a Black formerly incarcerated single mother of 3. If you enjoy this recording please contribute. She has to move next month and needs support with moving expenses.


Hashtag Soup

#neurodivergent #executiveFunction #executivelyfucked #efthis #metacogsquad #webinar #fundraiser #gfm #formerlyIncarcerated #peertube

Last updated 2 years ago

Joh · @Kunstpause
9 followers · 16 posts · Server sueden.social

Ich hab so eine leise Ahnung, dass sich das mit der Exekutivfunktion für diese Woche erstmal erledigt hat.

Statt Spülmaschine einräumen plötzlich Lichterketten repariert und dabei über was gestolpert. Eins führte zum anderen, oder auch mehreren, und jetzt poliere ich plötzlich einen FrühMi-Helm mit Bimsmehl. Ist auch irgendwie 'ne Kunst...

#howdiditcometothis #executiveFunction #kunstpause

Last updated 2 years ago

What's currently your biggest executive function challenge and how does it affect you?

I won't reply with any advice (unless you ask a question). I am just interested to see what people might want me to post more about...the most common themes.

#adhd #autism #AuDHD #neurodivergent #executiveFunction #coaching

Last updated 2 years ago

D Faux · @divergentiafaux
45 followers · 26 posts · Server neurodifferent.me

A moment of realisation in today that might maybe help other folks.

Essentially I can group the things I need to talk about/need help with into three categories:
1. Having an independent ear to talk through the complexity of everything going on in my life
2. Getting advice for managing my executive dysfunction and to get support for/find shared ND experience
3. Processing trauma and managing mental health.

All three things are interconnected. But I realise that all three do not need to be covered in detail in therapy.

For point 1 I should also talk more to my friends (even if they aren't truly independent, many are geographically removed).
For point 2, the community are really wonderful and I should also take the advice someone gave me to look at what support exists for executive function (I am cynical of apps and can't afford to pay someone).
Point 3 is the stuff that I need to concentrate on primarily in therapy. Draw on 1 and 2 where relevant to make point 3 clearer, but make sure point 3 is the priority.

I feel better for realising that and my session today was better as a result. Good.

@adhd @actuallyautistic

#therapy #AuDHD #actuallyautistic #MentalHealth #adhd #executiveFunction #wellbeing

Last updated 2 years ago