RT @gerardreid14@twitter.com
Picture of the Week: The #Exemplar which is a floating #gas storage and regasification unit, an #FSRU arrived in #Finland earlier this week. This massive ship has a storage capacity of 150,900 m3 of #LNG and can provide more than 5bcm per year of #regasification capacity.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/gerardreid14/status/1608745392598061056
#exemplar #gas #fsru #finland #lng #regasification
oop looks like i failed to mention #phonology in my intro
i'm an #exemplar and #NeuralNets guy by disposition but i think there's real value in #formalist approaches (à la Bale & Reiss, or the #subregular stuff); they offer a distinct mode of understanding (in a vaguely #Marr way but i've come to believe the notions of "levels" has been detrimental overall)
some day i'll get it together enough to get a piece on #explanation and #pluralism of #theory written somewhere
#phonology #exemplar #NeuralNets #formalist #subregular #Marr #explanation #pluralism #theory #linguistics
#Harland, after #Exemplar another extremely immersive radio play by #BBC. I highly recommend both.