Returned to gym after a week’s vacation & the resulting delayed onset muscle soreness reminded me that daily hikes aren’t the same as moving heavy weights. But a HIIT session on the treadmill quickly chased the DOMS away. Less is known about whole body response to an acute RT bout than local muscle/myofiber response. Also, the age and sex differences in DOMS, esp the former. #scientistswholift #weightlifting #resistancetraining #exercisephysiology
#exercisephysiology #resistancetraining #weightlifting #scientistswholift
Interesting study revealing epigenetic changes in whole-blood cells post-exercise! More than how exercise impacts human physiology, this study reminds us that humans evolved as an active species a comparatively short time ago. And why our rapid change to sedentary lifestyles is contrary to our own evolution. And unhealthy.
#exercise #epigenetics #humanevolution #exerciseisgoodforforhumans #exercisephysiology
#exercisephysiology #exerciseisgoodforforhumans #humanevolution #epigenetics #exercise
The mitochondrial multi-omic response to exercise training across tissues
(Preprint-In Rats)
#exercisescience #exercisephysiology #exerciseimmunology
#exercise #exercisescience #exercisephysiology #exerciseimmunology
The molecular athlete: exercise physiology from mechanisms to medals
#Physiology #Exercise #ExercisePhysiology #SciComm #Science #Research #Metabolomics #MedicalScience
#physiology #exercise #exercisephysiology #scicomm #science #research #metabolomics #medicalscience
New year new challenges. I just started my post-doc position and will remain @KIT_Karlsruhe. Future focus remains on #mHealth interventions for physical activity promotion, I will intensify the area of #ExercisePhysiology, and hopefully, find enough time to play around with #RStudio + refine my statistical knowledge
#mhealth #exercisephysiology #rstudio
淺談運動性疲勞 (下)
#健康 #運動 #healthy #fitness #運動疲勞 #fatigue #運動生理 #exercisephysiology #運動營養 #sportsnutrition #theKHPN #kelvinhaukm
#健康 #運動 #healthy #fitness #運動疲勞 #fatigue #運動生理 #exercisephysiology #運動營養 #sportsnutrition #thekhpn #kelvinhaukm
淺談運動性疲勞 (上)
#健康 #運動 #healthy #fitness #運動疲勞 #fatigue #運動生理 #exercisephysiology #運動營養 #sportsnutrition #theKHPN #kelvinhaukm
#健康 #運動 #healthy #fitness #運動疲勞 #fatigue #運動生理 #exercisephysiology #運動營養 #sportsnutrition #thekhpn #kelvinhaukm
@sancas Great question; I'm curious as well. So far I've just been following hashtags (#running, #deadlift)... Haven't been able to make #ExercisePhysiology a thing yet, though.
#exercisephysiology #deadlift #Running
Interesting work on gut-brain-microbe connections in exercise motivation and performance (in mice). #exercisephysiology #exercisemicrobiome #exercisegutbrainaxis
#exercisephysiology #exercisemicrobiome #exercisegutbrainaxis
Interesting work on gut-brain-microbe connections in exercise motivation and performance (in mice). #exercisephysiology #exercisemicrobiome #exercisegutbrainaxis
#exercisephysiology #exercisemicrobiome #exercisegutbrainaxis
After observing my more and more useless and uninformative timeline on #Twitter I will start to be more active here.
Would be great to connect to anyone in the field of #PhysicalActivity #mHealth #DigitalHealth #BehaviorChange #ExercisePhysiology #Research
A helpful boost to get started would be awesome!
#twitter #physicalactivity #mhealth #digitalhealth #BehaviorChange #exercisephysiology #research
@Anouk_ver also keen to connect with any #cyclists #triathlon and particularly anyone into #exercisephysiology and #hrv
#hrv #exercisephysiology #triathlon #cyclists