From the visual void we are introduced to a static noise. This static noise decked w/subtitles is an omnipresent being, guiding us through Super Natural, a visual aural invitation to a group meditation called film watching. Shot in stunning backdrop of Madeira, the film remind us that we are all connected in this world; the air we breathe in, the rock we are standing on, the fruit we eat, the various sea creatures, a little plastic bugs, our bodies, our imagination, our consciousness.... Shot in various style - super 8, VR computer graphics, instagram images & using a group of people, some w/disabilities, some not, it wants us to acknowledge that we are part of the ecosystem in an unstable world we live in. Jácome & his collaborators use loose visual and words associations w/vivid colors & humor. The non-narrative images holds its shape together like a collage. The film is a sensual meditation on human existence & connections with one another. #exerimentalfilm #portuguesecinema
#exerimentalfilm #portuguesecinema