“Most people are going to have two or three marriages in their adult life. Some of us will have them with the same person.” ~ Esther Perel
Great post from #CindyWangBrandt
#exfundie #CultSurvivors #exevangelical #exmormon #exjw #deconstruction
#cindywangbrandt #exfundie #cultsurvivors #exevangelical #exmormon #exjw #deconstruction
Warming up to this song . Yep, sharing again 🎉🎵👟💨🎧
#exmo #exevangelical #MentalHealth #growth #RunnerGirl #WarmUpMusic #music #RunnersOfMastodon
Through all of the change I made
I won't go chasing the good old days
'Cause ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh
Just wait, it only gets better
It only gets better
#exmo #exevangelical #mentalhealth #growth #runnergirl #warmupmusic #music #runnersofmastodon
A writer could probably explain it better, but I wish there was a word for the feelings juxtaposed between the joy of mental freedom after leaving a fundamentalist religion that makes life feel awe inspiring & the passion for deconstructing all oppressive forces, ideologies, discrimination, exploitation & mass spread hate one realizes is in the water of religions using holy texts to justify such abusive power & weaponized privilege.
#exmo #CultSurvivors #deconstructioncommunity #exevangelical
#exmo #cultsurvivors #deconstructioncommunity #exevangelical
#freedomofmind #woke #deconstruction #CultSurvivors #exmo #exevangelical #music
Don't tell me that I won't, I can
Don't tell me that I'm not, I am
Don't tell me that my master plan
Ain't coming through, yeah
Don't tell me that I won't, I will
Don't tell me how to think, I feel
Don't tell me 'cause I know what's real
What I can do
Something that you don't see every day
A little girl who found her way
Through a world that's designed to break
All of your dreams, hey
#freedomofmind #woke #deconstruction #cultsurvivors #exmo #exevangelical #music
Definitely top 3 of my #deconstruction playlist #CultSurvivors #music #exmo #exevangelical #woke
Interchanging mind control
Come, let the revolution take its toll
Rise up & take the power back
It's time the fat cats had a heart attack
You know that their time's coming to an end
We have to unify & watch our flag ascend
They will not force us
They will stop degrading us
They will not control us
We will be victorious
#deconstruction #cultsurvivors #music #exmo #exevangelical #woke
#deconstruction #CultSurvivors #exmo #exevangelical #music
And I went to the doctor, I went to the mountains
I looked to the children, I drank from the fountains
There's more than one answer to these questions
Pointing me in a crooked line
And the less I seek my source for some definitive
(The less I seek my source)
Closer I am to fine, yeah
Closer I am to fine, yeah
#deconstruction #cultsurvivors #exmo #exevangelical #music
#deconstruction #CultSurvivors #exmo #exevangelical #music
I've been looking in the wrong place
Couldn't see what I've always known
I was facing the wrong way
I missed it all, I missed it all
I don't care what they all say
Let me find my own way home
I don't care if my heart breaks
All I want is love
#deconstruction #cultsurvivors #exmo #exevangelical #music
5 weird rules we had at my #Christian #college
#atheist #deconstruction #exevangelical
#atheist #exevangelical #deconstruction
#christian #college #atheist #deconstruction #exevangelical
My husband and I recently decided that we aren't going to have kids unless something changes significantly politically or we move to a different country. Growing up, it was expected for me to have kids. Now I'm realizing, that it wasn't something that I actually wanted but something that was wanted from me. But it has taken so much weight off that I didn't realize I was carrying. #exevangelical #deconstruction
#exevangelical #deconstruction
From Broken to Whole Human Being. Suffering, Health and Caring after Religious Disaffiliation. Thesis by Maria Björkmark. In English (and abstracts in Finnish and Swedish).
#exevangelical #exvangelical #leavingthefold
#exevangelical #exvangelical #leavingthefold
Now at 11 p.m., the second and last part of The Long Call (episodes 3 and 4) will be aired on Danish TV DR1. Having a character who is both #exevangelical and #queer as the main detective is huge for me. We are also a #minority which is usually neglected on TV series. #anncleeves
#exevangelical #queer #minority #anncleeves
Hearing the familiar stories of #ReligiousTrauma and #Deconstruction from other faith traditions like, #Mormon, #JehovahsWitnesses, #Baptist, etc., gives me a better understanding of my own experience growing up as a Seventh-day #Adventist.
We are more similar than some might think.
#exvangelical #exevangelical #exfundie #exmormon #exjw #purityculture #faithjourney #religion #adventist #baptist #jehovahswitnesses #mormon #deconstruction #ReligiousTrauma
#Today, I decided to write down the history of my family of origin and my life for my nieces and nephews. I am fed up with my brother spreading hatred and disinformation (he was an ex-member of the same cult I was in). If I manage to finish my work, I will leave it for them in my home to be shared with them after I have left. I am not interested in more battles with a family that has shunned me, but I think they should at least have the possibility to read my version. #queer #exevangelical
Idk who else needs to hear this but I realized this week that following your gut & listening to your spirit don’t have to be different things. In fact, they’re probably not.
#race #black #white #diversity #church #jesus #god #christian #christianity #churchtoo #christiannationalism #evangelical #exevangelical #evangelicalism #churchtok #systemicoppression #systemicracism #implicitbias #systemic #Justice #racism #antiracism #antiracist #antiracisteducation #deconstructingchristianity
#race #black #white #diversity #church #jesus #god #christian #christianity #churchtoo #ChristianNationalism #evangelical #exevangelical #evangelicalism #churchtok #systemicoppression #systemicracism #implicitbias #systemic #justice #racism #antiracism #antiracist #antiracisteducation #deconstructingchristianity
We’re Live!
I’m joining @thekateboyd & Amanda Waldron, co-hosting Season 6 of Happy & Holy Podcast. They didn’t know any better. 😈 Listen here! 🎙
#jesus #god #church #christian #christianity #churchtoo #christiannationalism #evangelical #exevangelical #evangelicalism #churchtok #SBC #complementarianism #egalitarian #deconstructingchristianity
#churchabuse #spiritualabuse #emotionalabuse #emotionaldamage #churchhurt
#jesus #god #church #christian #christianity #churchtoo #ChristianNationalism #evangelical #exevangelical #evangelicalism #churchtok #sbc #complementarianism #egalitarian #deconstructingchristianity #churchabuse #SpiritualAbuse #EmotionalAbuse #emotionaldamage #churchhurt
This week we talk about Jerry Falwell fragile ego and when he sued hustle magazine because of a parody advertisement. #exevangelical #jerryfalwell #pornography #libertyuniversity #exvangical #formerchristian #spiritual #religion
#religion #spiritual #formerchristian #exvangical #libertyuniversity #pornography #jerryfalwell #exevangelical
#exevangelical : An old friend of my family of origin is celebrating 50 years of service as an evangelist this year. I don’t know how to behave in such a case. I don’t want to congratulate for a service I don’t endorse any longer. Nevertheless I would like to be polite. What could I do? Except for keeping silent.
@godpod Why I Believed: Reflections of a Former Missionary by Kenneth W. Daniels. It was the first book of an #exevangelical I dared to read still being an evangelical. It was the first step out.
One of the 2 albums on my 'albums to know me list' that I rarely listen to because it brings up all the emotions is the conclusion of #MikkoJoensuu's Amen trilogy. Written over 10 yrs with each album having a completely different feel, it documents Mikko leaving Xianity, after having been raised Pentecostal (like me). I've re-listened to the whole trilogy the last couple days, and it's truly one of the most beautiful pieces of #exEvangelical art I've ever come across.
Get your religious beliefs off my books. If you don’t want to read it, then don’t, but don’t restrict my access. #exchristian #exevangelical