@jonathankoren @neurovagrant Yeah, and AFAICT they mostly support #btrfs, #ext2 / #ext3 / #ext4, #FAT32 and maybe #ExFAT in some cases where the vendor paid $$ per device to #Microsoft.
Mainline #Linux ≠ #Android #toybox / #linux!
As I've gutted most out of the kernel for #OS1337 myself...
#os1337 #toybox #Android #Linux #Microsoft #exfat #fat32 #ext4 #ext3 #ext2 #btrfs
@cyclops @neurovagrant Who doesn't use #WSL?
That's added with few clicks in the Features Tab...
Also those #Android ROMs that do support #ExFAT have it spechally #licensed for them - that's not a default feature so one cannot assume it's there...
In fact #Microsoft really loves #racketeering and #rentseeking #Android Device Manufacturers...
#rentSeeking #racketeering #Microsoft #licensed #exfat #Android #wsl
@cyclops @neurovagrant #ExFAT is also #patented and may not be supported either.
A lot of #fileManagers on #Android support connecting to an #SMB / #CIFS / #Samba share from a #NAS or #SFTP / #SSH to a server...
#nas #ssh #sftp #samba #cifs #smb #Android #filemanagers #patented #exfat
learning the hard way not to put plain files in exfat filesystems
exfat does not keep track of permissions - moving a file into an exfat and then back out will make the file have permissions set to 777, this is very rarely what you want
alternative, if you can't use a different filesystem, is to archive your files in a tar with permissions (--acls and --mac-metadata if you're on a mac)
(exFAT) Unable to mount or use brand new WD MyBook 14Tb external HDD #mount #externalhdd #exfat #udisks #diskformatting
#mount #externalhdd #exfat #udisks #diskformatting
Unable to mount or use brand new WD MyBook 14Tb external HDD #mount #externalhdd #exfat #udisks #diskformatting
#mount #externalhdd #exfat #udisks #diskformatting
#FileSystems #Journaling #exFAT
"#FAT and FAT variants are fairly reliable, but will occasionally corrupt a file.
#NTFS is robust and reliable, but when it breaks, it breaks hard and recovery/repair is about a 50/50 possibility. #EXT4 is very robust and almost never corrupts a file. Repair and recovery in those rare cases is almost always successful. ZFS is solid. I've never run into problems with it.
HFS+ is the worst file system ever created."
#filesystems #journaling #exfat #fat #ntfs #ext4
I understand such a desire/user story, but this is better be done in a different way.
1. This is an _mostly_ undocumented feature of the #MacOS filesystem, so it barely used by MacOS applications.
2. Content metadata should be bound to the file, not to the filesystem, cause otherwise you need all different filesystems to be interoperable (eg Windows #NTFS, MacOS #APFS and something like an #exFAT on your flash drive).
And there is more!
Mit dem #Linux-Kernel 5.4 können #OpenSource-Entwickler nun von der verbesserten #ExFAT-Unterstützung profitieren, um große Dateien nahtlos zwischen Windows & Linux zu teilen. Einfach mit 'sudo pacman -S exfat-utils exfat-nofuse' installieren und loslegen! #TechTipps #commandline
#linux #opensource #exfat #techtipps #commandline
My External hard drive keeps unmounting on USB 3.0 using exfat #mount #usbdrive #externalhdd #debugging #exfat
#mount #usbdrive #externalhdd #debugging #exfat
My External hard drive keeps unmounting on USB 3.0 #mount #usbdrive #externalhdd #debugging #exfat
#mount #usbdrive #externalhdd #debugging #exfat
My External hard drive keep unmounting on USB 3.0 #mount #usbdrive #externalhdd #debugging #exfat
#mount #usbdrive #externalhdd #debugging #exfat
My External hard drive keep unmounting #mount #harddrive #externalhdd #debugging #exfat
#mount #harddrive #externalhdd #debugging #exfat
Kann man einen bereits befüllten Stick unter #Linux ebenfalls lediglich in ein neues Format (#exFAT, #NTFS) konvertieren ohne vorher die Daten sichern zu müssen?
USB-Stick: Datei ist zu gross für das Zieldateisystem - onlinepc.ch https://www.onlinepc.ch/hardware/praxis/usb-stick-datei-zu-gross-zieldateisystem-2860752.html
TIL that #ExFAT (which you probably use on larger sdcards, and external hard drives) was grossly inefficient at storing large numbers of "small" files!
A collection of ~900000 scans takes 950 GB on this ExFat #filesystem, but only 380 GB on ext4.
The disk usage of each file gets rounded up to 1 MB. It's a 1.1 TB filesystem, so according to the wikipedia page, the cluster size should be 512 KB (which would still waste a few hundred GB). The disk came preformatted by SanDisk.
Neue #Festplatte an den #Nighthawk angeschlossen. Wird im Advanced Setup unter #USB Settings gezeigt, taucht aber in #Readyshare nicht auf. Somit wird sie auch auf dem PC nicht angezeigt.
Hat mich 'ne halbe Stunde gekostet, bis mir der Gedanke kam, das Format anzuschauen. Kam in #exFAT - was Sinn macht, zugestanden. Der Router möchte allerdings wohl #NTFS [ggf. auch FAT32, weiss ich noch nicht]. Eine Info, die ich in der Dok nicht finde.
#festplatte #nighthawk #usb #readyshare #exfat #ntfs
6) Android is buggy in my experience - yours might be different of course - for example when I tried to copy 60 GBs of files to a USB-C formatted in #exfat. I had to start over like 10 times - copying started, went on, then just stopped at random points for no good reason and without any explanations
7) No good convenient AI photo/video editing tools and overall lack of AI hardware acceleration support of the level we see on #Apple platforms