@Viking Yes our cousin Jutes and the rest of the Foederati have been integral in securing safety for the inhabitants of Great Kent. Under my reign healthy immigration will be essential in fortifying the positive potential of the Nation.
This is why the #exfil2theKoK program exists and all denizens of the #NAtion are encouraged to make the pilgrimage.
@HLC @Therealdcgirl @roundy @Johnny_SH88 best thing for personal growth is putting yourself in uncomfortable situations and thriving.
Though as things stand that granny's chin ain't coming back without radical progression of the mRNA technology or a skin graft.
Its a real shame you can't #exfil2theKoK as I'd have a bitcoin in the bag in 9 months.
ITM clansmen!
In an expected turn, one of the managers of one of my pubs has decided the job isn't for him.
So, now I have two full time job positions at a one currently open the other due to open by the end of this coming January.
If ANY Gitmo slaves are able to #exfil2theKoK and want a perfect cover whilst #kexit is prepared, please don't hesitate to reach out to you #KoK here.
#exfil2theKoK #kexit #kok #tyfyc #tikameme
@YorkshireTea #exfil2theKoK and in 6 weeks I'll have you running a microPub sowing the seeds of #Kexit like a good slave should.... #justsayin
#exfil2theKoK #kexit #justsayin