Amelie Lens distributes ‘Radiance’ via EXHALE #2023_07_11 #dancing_astronaut #alex_lambeau #music #amelie_lens #dc_10 #exhale
#2023_07_11 #dancing_astronaut #alex_lambeau #music #amelie_lens #dc_10 #exhale
Lorelei finds her true self in "HALF TIME" #2023_06_07 #earmilk #tayo_odutola #alt_pop #alternative #pop #exhale #lorelei
#2023_06_07 #earmilk #tayo_odutola #alt_pop #alternative #pop #exhale #lorelei
The 4th of 9 stream requests I did in a hired request stream for the's Discord server. This was a ton of fun, thanks so much for the opportunity, Dorg! Honestly a setup I'd love to do again. Each of these took approximately 20 minutes, 9 wrapped up cleanly in 3 hours.
#MastoArt #CreativeToots #Dragon #Draconity #StreamRequest #GoldenGriffiness
#GoldenGriffiness #Golden Griffiness #art #dragon #greyscale #monochrome #huff #exhale #upset #unhappy #scales #horns
#horns #scales #unhappy #upset #exhale #huff #monochrome #greyscale #art #golden #goldengriffiness #streamrequest #draconity #dragon #CreativeToots #MastoArt
Created this graphic because it really seems to sum up the energy of this particular solar eclipse.
Look back to 19 April 2004 for parallels.
#blowingthingsup #boilingpoint #eruption #exhale #volcanoeclipse #ariesolareclipse
#blowingthingsup #boilingpoint #eruption #exhale #volcanoeclipse #ariesolareclipse
Amelie Lens releases the fourth edition of her carefully curated 'EXHALE' (Various Artist Compilation) #2023_04_14 #earmilk #patrick_ames_conner #dance #techno #amelie_lens #compilation #exhale #factory_93 #nina_kraviz
#2023_04_14 #earmilk #patrick_ames_conner #dance #techno #amelie_lens #compilation #exhale #factory_93 #nina_kraviz
My work stress levels have been debilitating and I cannot be more grateful for my boss. He just had me in tears laughing and for the first time in a while, I feel like I’m not going to get fired. #exhale
Arthur Blythe: Nonette (Exhale)
#mastodisco #arthurblythe #exhale #nonette
A track I released a while ago!
#exhale #bluemonday #music #irishartist #irishmusician
I am here to tell you that all will be well in the world because I just discovered that Stephen Fry is on Mastodon. #allwillbewell #exhale #StephenFry #relax
#allwillbewell #exhale #stephenfry #relax
Back from a short holiday vacation to Mexico City. Even more lovely and beloved than times before and happy to spend it with my immediate and extended family. #Exhale
And just like that, the semester is over. Grades submitted. Time to work on a couple of pet projects, including one home improvement task. #AcademicMastodon #AcademicChatter #PhDLife #SemesterBreak #Exhale
#academicmastodon #academicchatter #phdlife #semesterbreak #exhale
One class is completely graded. One more to go. Only 9 things to grade. Good place to be in for the weekend. #AcademicMastodon ##PhDLife #NearlyFinished #SemestersEnd #SemesterBreak #Exhale
#academicmastodon #phdlife #nearlyfinished #semestersend #semesterbreak #exhale
folks i trust often call me brave. i aspire to be a marshmallow, soft shell crab, fumble finger, useless shrug n smiler. To be good enough w people to not scare them away before i can ask for help…
night n day w food poisoning bailing water from the tub to tank cuz i turned water main off after saw 1/2 bath feed line valve failing leaking when checking vulnerable plumbing before cold snap which means water wont be flowing thru most likely to freeze pipe 🤞🍀 #NextAdventure #DisabledLife #exhale
#nextadventure #disabledlife #exhale
Take a few moments to focus on this pink ball of energy. While you inhale deeply and slowly, and exhale deeply and slowly, feel the pink light of gentle loving energy washing over you, and filling you, from your third eye Chakra down to your Root Chakra SAY I INHALE LOVE, I EXHALE LOVE #energy #protectyourvibration #protectyourenergy #slowdown #breathe #focusonyourbreath #inhale #exhale
#energy #protectyourvibration #protectyourenergy #slowdown #Breathe #focusonyourbreath #inhale #exhale
Slowly getting to grips with this place. I so love the individual communities here, & while I am trying to find my so-called spot, there is a lightness of being as I navigate it all
BUT I tell you what I don’t want to talk about (or read posts on) is the “other place” that brought many of us here.. NOPE. #newbie #exhale
#exhale #bramstokersdracula #vidcap #cross #breathe #fire #burn #animatedgif
#breathe #exhale #fire #cross #burn #bramstokersdracula #vidcap #animatedgif
#breathe #exhale #fire #cross #burn #bramstokersdracula #vidcap #animatedgif