#exiftool is de reddende engel:
`exiftool '-FileName<DateTimeOriginal' -d %Y%m%d_%H%M%S%%-c.%%e *.jpg`
hernoemt de bestanden naar de "Date/Time Original" tag, geformatteerd in yyyymmdd_hhmmss, eventueel met een kopie-nummer als het bestand al bestaat en met originele extentie (zie `man exiftool` ;))
#EXIFTOOL super useful command line application.
The link below shows how you can add a summary to a PDF using #Deno and #Python T5 base model.
Shoutout to #ExifTool for allowing me to batch restore the original date metadata on a bunch of old photos. Gotta love handy CLI utilities https://exiftool.org #macOS
Okay #exiftool is incredible. I can export the GPX data from my garmin connect activity created from my watch and use that to tag photos from my camera.
From the #ExifTool website #wtfExifTool #wheelOutTheDigitalDarkAgeKlaxon 📯 🤣
#WheelOutTheDigitalDarkAgeKlaxon #wtfexiftool #exiftool
@Thorsted These blogs are all so cool. I also always enjoy when #ExifTool makes an appearance. #fileFormats #digipres
#digipres #fileformats #exiftool
jExifToolGui is a nice #Exiftool Gui for Linux
YouTube instruction playlist
Bash script stops without error when the extraction of image EXIFs with exiftool encounters an empty file #commandline #bash #scripts #exiftool
#commandline #bash #scripts #exiftool
Profitipp: Falls Kamera bei neuer Perspektive auf Kopf steht und ihr vergessen habt "Autorotate" zu aktivieren, braucht ihr nix neu encodieren. Geht mit exiftool, hier für alle Dateien in einem Verzeichnis:
for file in *.MP4; do exiftool -rotation=180 "${file}" && rm "${file}_original"; done
#exiftool #video #fahrrad #kamera #tieferbarspeck
However, that strips the metadata, so now I'm on to using #exiftool to copy the DateTimeOriginal exif tag from the .MTS file to the (converted) .mp4. Nice.
@marhop @bitsgalore @archivist_Liz
IFDs can be used to store a thumbnail or EXIF metadata, but unlike #JHOVE, #Exiftool seems to return information only for IFDs that contain images with significant content (though nothing prevents you from embedding a thumbnail that is just a small image with no relation with the main one!).
We use #JHOVE for such a task, we parse the XML output and count the IFDs of type "TIFF" whose "Newsubfiletype" = "0".
Consegui resolver isso graças a uma boa organização dos arquivos e um #snippet de #shell com #exiftool áreas escrever os EXIF de título corretamente. Chato que o #darktable ao recarregou com as informações corretas e tive que mandar o nuke na base de dados dele e recomeçar do zero...
#snippet #shell #exiftool #darktable
quelqu'un sait il pourquoi #exiftool dit ne pas trouver de propriété de date de modification ou de création à certaines photos alors que mon explorateur de fichiers en est capable ?
c'est pour lancer la super commande qui renomme les fichiers et les déplace dans des dossiers de numéro d'année