Logical Graphs • First Impressions 1
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2023/08/24/logical-graphs-first-impressions/
Introduction • Moving Pictures of Thought —
A “logical graph” is a graph-theoretic structure in one of the systems of graphical syntax Charles Sanders Peirce developed for logic.
In numerous papers on “qualitative logic”, “entitative graphs”, and “existential graphs”, Peirce developed several versions of a graphical formalism, or a graph-theoretic formal language, designed to be interpreted for logic.
In the century since Peirce initiated this line of development, a variety of formal systems have branched out from what is abstractly the same formal base of graph-theoretic structures. This article examines the common basis of these formal systems from a bird's eye view, focusing on the aspects of form shared by the entire family of algebras, calculi, or languages, however they happen to be viewed in a given application.
#Peirce #Logic #LogicalGraphs #EntitativeGraphs #ExistensialGraphs
#SpencerBrown #LawsOfForm #BooleanFunctions #PropositionalCalculus
#PropositionalCalculus #BooleanFunctions #lawsofform #spencerbrown #existensialgraphs #EntitativeGraphs #LogicalGraphs #logic #Peirce