Book Review: ‘Exit Interview: The Life and Death of My Ambitious Career,’ by Kristi Coulter - In her new memoir, “Exit Interview,” Kristi Coulter details her time working at the compa... - #exitinterview:thelifeanddeathofmyambitiouscareer(book) #booksandliterature #amazon.cominc #kristicoulter
#kristicoulter #amazon #booksandliterature #exitinterview
Always love it when Patton Oswald pops up out of nowhere! Season 5 / Episode 10 “Exit Interview” - What We Do In The Shadows #PattonOswald #WWDITS #ExitInterview
#exitinterview #WWDITS #pattonoswald
#ExitInterview sounds like a great storytelling product promoting more effective human capital management by sharing rare and useful content from seasoned first-person / end user perspective.
“In the #construction #industry, more and more experienced #tradesmen, #superintendents and #managers are #retiring each year. We catch a few Story Construction retirees on their way out the door to capture some of the lore and #lessons learned throughout their long #careers.”
#exitinterview #construction #industry #tradesmen #superintendents #managers #retiring #lessons #careers
My attendance is #Required
at an #ExitInterview
for a job I never had
#exitinterview #required #gotanemail