Let’s just have it as a rule that nobody who helped topple a democratic government and usher in a military dictatorship should get a state funeral okay? Then we don’t have to talk about how his grandfather precipitated the ethnic cleansing of Greeks in Asia Minor and a humiliating defeat and slaughter of the Army, or how his uncle Andrew, grandfather to King Charles, committed treason. #exKing #Greece #Glücksburg #ConstantineGlücksberg
#exking #greece #glucksburg #constantineglucksberg
1. Constantine Glücksberg should under no circumstances be granted a state funeral. He’s not even a citizen of the Republic and it’s stupid to appease the royalists by treating him as a former head of state, even though he was (briefly and disastrously) head of state.
2. Though the family plot at Tatoi is no longer family property, it’s possible that interring Mr Glücksberg there is the kindest and most historically appropriate choice.
3. How this is not to become a circus is unclear. #ExKing