People are already displaying soaring levels of stress, anger, and anxiety:
yet the #Trump trials have not begun and the #2024election is still over a year away (
The grimness is not going away, but we don't have to be grim all the time
#trump #2024election #exlibris #trial #election #indictment
Quand on a croisé une fois cet ex-libris, on ne l'oublie plus jamais...
Marinus Loeil, cordelier de Niort, 1626. Chaque lettre de son nom est l'initiale d'une branche du savoir.
Il mesure 10 cm et est parfois imprimé en rouge.
#BnFArsenal Fol-S-1210 (2)
#bnfarsenal #provenance #exlibris
For @DXMacGuffin's #ProgTuesday
Ex Libris is a Dutch symphonic/progressive metal band. They released this progressive metal trilogy called Ann. Each chapter is about a different Ann. Anne Boleyn, Anastasia Romanova and Anne Frank.
My favorite song from it is The Motherland. I posted that a while ago, but as it's a concept album, I'd rather link the full album today 😍
Listen to it on youtube via invidious here:
#progtuesday #music #metal #progressivemetal #symphonicmetal #exlibris
Bueno va. Voy a hacer mi #presentacion
Soy Dani. Más conocido desde tiempos de los foros como Lord Danix
Hago #exlibris, grabados y libros en miniatura.
Aunque ahora con 45 fui papi jóven de dos muchachas geniales. Mi tronka es ilustradora y yo hago lo que puedo con lo que tengo
Me encanta lo japonés
Fan de las series scifi y de la música.
Tengo 3 gatas y odio lo que hace la gente, no a la gente.
Intento hacer reír siempre que tengo oportunidad. Y sobre todo mostrar amor.
📢 The #IGeLU Nominations Committee is calling for nominees for election to the IGeLU Steering Committee.
This is a crucial time for the Ex Libris Users Community and the IGeLU Steering Committee, as we need to ensure that #ExLibris products continue to meet our requirements. This is more critical now with the #Clarivate acquisition.
This year we have two (2) positions for the Steering Committee, all of which are 2-year terms, beginning in September, 2023.
I really love the concept EP "Ann" from Ex Libris. It has three chapters, each about a different Ann from different times and places.
This track is Chapter 2 - Anastasia Romanova: The Motherland
#exlibris #symphonicmetal #progressivemetal #metal #music
À lire
L'inventif nouvel opus du brillant #MattMadden
#ExLibris chez #LAssociation
Tout en vue subjective, croisant tous les genres de la #BD, du #GraphicNovel au #Manga en passant par les #Comics et le récit intime ▶️
un vertigineux ouvrage à contraintes
#oubapo #mattmadden #exlibris #lassociation #bd #graphicnovel #manga #comics
The #FensterFreitag #WindowFriday #ExLibris with the cactus in a barred window (PT) reminded me of the cover illustration of Das Schwalbenbuch (The Swallow Book; 1923) written by Ernst Toller while imprisoned for high treason for his role in the 1918-19 #German #revolution
The title refers to birds nesting in his cell, whose fate reflected his alternation between despair & hope
An inserted leaf regarding proofs/errata alludes to censorship in prison
@bookhistodons 2/n
#fensterfreitag #windowfriday #exlibris #german #revolution
For #FensterFreitag / #WindowFriday
a simple little #ExLibris by Otakar Váša for Jiři Havelka (zincography, 7.2 x 8.3 cm), 1944.
I have so far been unable to identify the owner.
Given the date, one suspects that the meaning of the thorny cactus with a single bloom behind the bars of a thick-walled window must have a political message, but if so, Váša must have considered it sufficiently ambiguous, for the piece bears a stamp with his name & date on the verso
#fensterfreitag #windowfriday #exlibris #bookhistory
Mojmír Helcelet (PT; 1879-1959) a pharmacist by profession, had also been an Austro-Hungarian sabre champion. He became a leading ##book collector, & editor of Bibliofil magazine.
I have always found this #Exlibris by Miroslav Fridrich (1884-1964), depicting the collector & daughter Eva (1907-76) charming.
Both artist & patron worked in #Brno. But the date is 1942. The Helcelet family was Jewish and Eva was forced to divorce her Aryan husband. What stories lurk behind this placid image?
As long as we're on the topic of interwar modernist culture: we mark:
23 March 1887: birth of #Czech artist-illustrator Josef Čapek.
1. His early personal ex libris in Art Nouveau style by Josef Wenig (1885-1939)
2. Much of his own art was modernist, encompassing elements of Cubism, Expressionism, & Symbolism, as in this 1918 #ExLibris for eading #bibliophile Mojmír Helcelet (1879-1959)
Helcelet, who was Jewish, survived #WWII. Čapek, who was not, perished in Bergen-Belsen.
#czech #exlibris #bibliophile #wwii #bookhistory
Still unreasonably proud that I convinced our team at FontShop to add this sticker to every copy of FontBook (2006).
#fontshop #fontbook #TypeSpecimen #exlibris
For #FensterFreitag #WindowFriday, this anonymous #ExLibris for Walter Meyer, c. beginning of the 20th century:
a depiction of Johann Wolfgang Goethe's study (Arbeitszimmer)
His famous last words were "Mehr Licht!"--more light! Some interpreted them philosophically & metaphorically, but the consensus is, he wanted the shutters opened
The faces of Janus in the top framing resemble those on an 1831 #medal by Antoine Bovy after Goethe's own drawings
#fensterfreitag #windowfriday #exlibris #medal #books #numismatics
#ExLibris Project Flash
👉 Support Response and Time to Resolve Initiative - FAQ
Une petite loutre toute mignonne pour le tampon personnalisé de Chloé 🦦
#jolitampon #loutre #otter #tamponpersonnalisé #tamponprenom #tamponexlibris #exlibris #exlibrisstamp #otterstamp
#otterstamp #exlibrisstamp #exlibris #tamponexlibris #tamponprenom #tamponpersonnalise #otter #loutre #jolitampon
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Y a pas à dire, ces grosses multinationales monopolistiques font du bon boulot.