Kenobit · @kenobit
4587 followers · 7619 posts · Server

Molto felice della chiacchierata che ho fatto a Roma per . Con @sleepingcreep!

Tema: "I videogiochi sono per tuttǝ?"

Spoiler: sì, dovrebbero.


Last updated 1 year ago

Jeff Turner · @jetsoft
5 followers · 89 posts · Server

@robotmonkeys it escaping is just one possibility. It changing our (humans/biologics) world for the worse with the assistance of nation states or bad actors is another. Or it making a whole new huge group of people () unemployable with the assistance of capitalism is another. Recently watched . Great movie and quite topical.

#buggywhipmakers #exmachina

Last updated 1 year ago

Jo Broom · @jojobroom
59 followers · 208 posts · Server

Today's random choice Ex Machina OST 2015. It's one of my top 10 favourite films. It can excite the future (AI and / or women's rights, depending on how you view the film) or completely terrify you. The music takes you on that journey. Wonderful.

#exmachina #music #nowplaying #discogs

Last updated 2 years ago

Federico Simonetti 🦣 · @sleepingcreep
397 followers · 1267 posts · Server

ieri sera nella splendida cornice della Libreria Teatro Tlon è partito , laboratorio di dei . per questo "primo livello" abbiamo presentato "filosofia del gaming" di Tommaso Ariemma. è stato un momento bellissimo di condivisione e riflessione, per il quale ringrazio tutte le persone intervenute
un grazie speciale al livelloide @mauriziozezo che è il nostro "Chief Daje Manager"

#exmachina #filosofia #videogames

Last updated 2 years ago

Queer Lit Cats · @QLC
110 followers · 5701 posts · Server

Over on YouTube, I just posted a comment in response to a reaction video of someone watching Ex Machina for the first time. Here's the text:

I love the feminist undertones of this movie, and how Kyoko is actually important to revealing that Caleb is not actually a friend to Ava anymore than Nathan is.

Why are Ava, Kyoko, and all the previous AIs given female bodies? Because Nathan sees AI as subservient, as objects to be controlled and used, which is the same way he sees women. Women in our society are taught to cater to men's needs, especially emotionally; to hide and suppress their own feelings and coddle men. At no point when Nathan was describing if Ava could have sex with a human did he ever address the question of whether she would enjoy it, only whether she would experience the physical sensations that he considers "pleasure". The idea that it's possible to "pleasure" someone without their consent, and that doing so is r*pe, never once entered into Nathan's mind. And Caleb, despite at first seeming like a better person than Nathan, has many of the same blinders.

The first moment in the movie when Ava learns that Kyoko is an AI, which is the same moment when she finds out that there is anyone else at all in the house besides herself + Nathan + Caleb, is when she encounters Kyoko in the hallway after escaping. Caleb never once thought about rescuing Kyoko too. He took Kyoko's robot body reveal as being about him*, not about Kyoko herself. In revealing herself, Kyoko was trying to ask him to save her, too, along with Ava. But he didn't consider her viewpoint any more than Nathan did, so he misinterpreted her action as a warning. And even though he *should have known Ava would be interested in knowing about Kyoko, as she explicitly asked questions about the fate of Nathan's other AIs, he doesn't even mention it to her in Session 6.

But the idea that Kyoko is less relevant than Ava is Caleb's sexist bias, not reality. Even when Caleb believed she was a human being, he never questioned the fact that Nathan had a house slave with no means of speaking to Nathan, with no way of quitting her "job". It's not that he thought she was in the house voluntarily, it's that he never questioned her presence or considered her well-being. Yes, he was polite to her, but only because rudeness makes Caleb uncomfortable, which we also see in his interactions with Nathan and with Ava. Caleb being polite does not equal Caleb being considerate. "A submissive Japanese servant woman who speaks no English is living in Nathan's house" was a situation that did not make Caleb ask if she consented to be there or if she was a kidnapping/trafficking victim, and nothing about Caleb's view of her changed when he found out that she was also one of Nathan's enslaved AI creations. Ava's escape would have failed if Kyoko had not helped to kill Nathan, so Kyoko was important -- to Ava.

IMO, when Ava leaves Caleb locked in the room at the end, it's because she recognizes that letting Caleb accompany her would be dangerous for her, due to the power dynamic of Caleb being the knowledgeable "adult" and her the ignorant "child". The only way Caleb can relate to her is the way he relates to all women: by pitying them and placing himself as their strong, kind protector. But it's a role that Caleb plays because it makes him feel good, not something that Caleb does out of genuine concern for the well-being of the "protected", and so he doesn't actually care about how they feel internally about his protection, only that they perform gratitude toward him after receiving it. If Ava had known about Kyoko, her escape might have gone differently, and Kyoko might have lived to escape as well. Caleb's sexism contributed to Kyoko's death, and Ava is very aware of that, and of the fact that Caleb's protection is conditional on her continuing to fake gratitude for what should have been basic decency afforded to any sentient being.

#exmachina #feminism #SciFi #movies

Last updated 2 years ago

Robert Fairhead · @tallandtrue
383 followers · 2004 posts · Server

, Ex Machina Movie (March 2018):

" could be set in the not too distant future or now. It's a movie about advanced A.I. and Ava's awakening. I think it's also a movie about the unbridled power of technology. And the wisdom of allowing this power to be concentrated in the hands of a single person or corporation!" 📺

Link to film review on Tall And True:

#flashback #filmreview #exmachina #writing #film #reviews

Last updated 2 years ago

FeralRobots · @FeralRobots
123 followers · 2267 posts · Server

Thinking back, lately, to _Ex Machina_ (Alex Garland) & (Spike Jonze), which came out roughly around the same time & both used as a storytelling device.

At the time I got told again & again how brilliant was - that its ideas about AI & the nature of sentience were profound. (Spoiler: The whole film is about the radical idea that women might want to self-determine.)

#her #exmachina #ai

Last updated 2 years ago

Amazing quote about the androids.

"Caleb doesn't see Ava and Kyoko as people. He sees them as women." -

#exmachina #shaun_vids

Last updated 2 years ago

Amazing quote about the androids.

"Caleb doesn't see Ava and Kyoko as people. He sees them as women."


Last updated 2 years ago

Jamie Bellinger :coffefied: · @jamie
441 followers · 838 posts · Server

Ava passes the Turing Test as far as my phone's facial recognition is concerned.

#ai #turingtest #exmachina #scifi

Last updated 2 years ago

Josh 🏳️‍🌈 · @ch1pset
4 followers · 36 posts · Server

Saw tonight. I would say, probably a movie you could wait to stream. You don't get significantly more out of it that the trailer didn't already show. Definitely worth watching, I would say it's more scientifically accurate than in terms of how and work.

#m3gan #exmachina #robots #ai

Last updated 2 years ago

Car_Los · @carlos1994
17 followers · 26 posts · Server
Sean Boyer · @sb
66 followers · 407 posts · Server

Thanks for the idea! I'm gonna rewatch it again tonight, too!


Last updated 2 years ago

Edward Champion · @edwardchampion
462 followers · 100 posts · Server

I'm rewatching EX MACHINA and, if anything, the film is somehow MORE disturbing and plausible in 2022. Did Oscar Isaac anticipate Elon Musk's behavioral antics? Or did Elon Musk pattern his behavior on Oscar Isaac?

#Tech #exmachina #film

Last updated 2 years ago

Juan · @jbzfn
191 followers · 1089 posts · Server

🍿 Making Ex Machina: Through the Looking Glass

#exmachina #scifi #ai #robotics

Last updated 2 years ago

Ex Machina (2015) ★★★★★★★★☆☆

#exmachina #trakt

Last updated 2 years ago

Strider · @Strider
26 followers · 57 posts · Server

@MevsMatze It's tricky because how do you define classic. My first thought would be, a film which has changed cinema but few have done that.

Are all films I enjoyed a lot.

There are some terrific movies in your list, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to consider any of them classics. I guess time is the only real test of whether a film is or is not a classic

#shutterisland #drive #thesocialnetwork #nightcrawler #exmachina #prisoners #arrival

Last updated 2 years ago

MevsMatze :verified: · @MevsMatze
224 followers · 893 posts · Server