Hint of an #exocomet transit in the #CHEOPS lightcurve of HD 172555: https://arxiv.org/abs/2301.07418 - "we find a hint for a transient absorption. If fitted with an exocomet transit model, it corresponds to an evaporating body passing near the star at a distance of 6.8±1.4R⋆ (or 0.05±0.01au) with a radius of 2.5 km. These properties are comparable to those of the exocomets already found in this system using spectroscopy, as well as those found in the βPic system."
And we have yet another #stsci #ESPFSeminar NOW:
Automated Search for #Exocomet Transits in HARPS
by Raphael Bendahan-West (@WarwickAstro)
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