Katy now makes a link to high-res. Here comes the HITRAN/ExoMol discussion: using the high accuracy data from HITRAN measured in the lab to push the accuracy of calculated (theoretical) #ExoMol line lists. Together with a team of high-school students (ORBYTS) she collected transitions from many publications for a molecule and pushed the accuracy. Super cool project! I love! #SEHR2023
Next up, we have Jonathan Tennyson on the “Use of the #ExoMol database of high accuracy spectroscopy of exoplanets”
To my understanding, one of the major differences between ExoMol and HITRAN/HITEMP is that ExoMol is purely computational, while HITRAN/HITEMP is empirical. Correct me if I am wrong, please 😅
This means that there is no right or wrong on what to use. Right?