15 books to get to know me
- #UnderstandingMedia by #MarshallMcluhan
- #ExpandedCinema by #GeneYoungblood
- #TheMythofSisyphus by #AlbertCamus
- #NakedLunch by #WilliamSBurroughs
- #ParableSeries by #OctaviaEButler
- #OntheRoad by #JackKerouac
- #MondoUtah by #TrentHarris
- #YouCan'tWin by #JackBlack (no, not that one)
- #MobyDick by #HermanMelville
- #PeopleoftheAbyss by #JackLondon
- #SpurtofBlood by #AntoninArtaud
- #ShockDoctrine by #NaomiKlein
-anything by #Samuel Beckett
-random #HughNibley article
-anything by #ChrisHedges
#understandingmedia #marshallmcluhan #expandedcinema #geneyoungblood #themythofsisyphus #albertcamus #nakedlunch #WilliamSBurroughs #parableseries #OctaviaEButler #ontheroad #jackkerouac #mondoutah #trentharris #youcan #jackblack #mobydick #HermanMelville #peopleoftheabyss #jacklondon #spurtofblood #antoninartaud #shockdoctrine #naomiklein #samuel #hughnibley #chrishedges
https://vimeo.com/189720052 (15:10)
BLURT {1983/2016, Anna Thew; UK}
#ShortFilm #Film #ExpandedCinema #FemaleFilmmakers #ExperimentalFilm #FilmDiary0823
#shortfilm #film #expandedcinema #femalefilmmakers #experimentalfilm #filmdiary0823
Manipulating projected maps tonight w/Tamarisk (Christina Carter, David Menestres, Andrew Weathers) at the storied Jazz Gallery Center for the Arts, 926 E Center, #Milwaukee; Ghost Dance & Normal Rituals also on the bill.
8p/$10 NOTAFLOF/all-ages
Not really #ASynesthetesAtlas but def #OSM #FOSS4G #expandedCinema
#milwaukee #asynesthetesatlas #osm #foss4g #expandedcinema
Valie Export: Tapp- und Tastkino, 14.11.1968. Karlsplatz, München. Aktionsfoto.
More informations: Dreher, Thomas: Valie Export/Peter Weibel. Multimedial Feminist Art. In: Artefactum Nr.46/December 1992-February 1993, p.17. Internet: https://dreher.netzliteratur.net/2_Export.pdf
#valieexport #feministart #actionart #feministartist #feministartists #performanceart #happenings #expandedcinema #actionfoto #actionfotografie #womanartist #womenartists
#womenartists #womanartist #Actionfotografie #actionfoto #expandedcinema #happenings #performanceart #feministartists #feministartist #ActionArt #feministart #ValieExport
Soft voices, soothing sounds and robotic insects are part of a sensory audiovisual journey exploring the unpredictable of nature, glitches, chaotic systems, and dystopic futures. #expandedcinema #ASMR #DIYelectronics #livecoding #stochastic #tecnhonoise #amro20mainstage
#expandedcinema #asmr #diyelectronics #livecoding #stochastic #tecnhonoise #amro20mainstage
Ready to play in Maribor!
Zagreb tomorrow.
#expandedcinema #live #art #artwithopensource #SuperCollider #linuxartists #processing
#expandedcinema #live #art #artwithopensource #supercollider #linuxartists #processing