For over 20 years, Clarence Thomas has been treated to luxury vacations by billionaire Republican donor Harlan Crow. #ClarenceThomasCorruption #expandthesupremecourt #IllegitimateSCOTUS #InvestigateGinniThomas
#clarencethomascorruption #expandthesupremecourt #IllegitimateSCOTUS #investigateginnithomas But, by God, Justice Barrett will protect the unborn; to the devil for anyone else unfairly sentenced or not. #ExpandTheSupremeCourt
@1finekitty They might should’ve rethought moving to the far right. Opens up all kinds of scrutiny! As it would if it moved left. #ExpandTheSupremeCourt
@Spark44029 I don't know for sure what to tell you about who does the boosting but I do agree w this hashtag #ExpandTheSupremeCourt btw I boosted your post