Submissions are starting to come in! Join the jam and submit your one page adventure! #opaj23 #expanse #theexpanse #rpg #ttrpg #theexpanserpg
#opaj23 #expanse #theexpanse #rpg #ttrpg #TheExpanseRPG
I'm a big fan of The #Expanse so, like, my car is named Bossmang Drummer, my phone's Bluetooth name is Klaes Ashford and I strongly considered naming this one Michio Pa, but obviously I didnt (I woulda just called her "Cargo"). Anyways, I'm really glad I didnt for a bunch of reasons but the reason I think is the funniest is that in the TV Show Michio Pa's entire story arc is about how she isnt good in the car.
Got back to reading The #Expanse on holiday. Book 6. It's been a long time since I had the headspace to read. Damn, it's good.
Started watching S05 on Amazon tonight. I can't get over how perfectly cast that series was.
The Expanse: Dragon Tooth #4 preview. It's up to The Rocinante and its crew to secure the alien Ring Gates-and the future of the human race... #expanse #theexpanse #comics #comicbooks
#expanse #theexpanse #comics #comicbooks
Expanse. Best scifi.
#scifiart #expanse #mastodontv
#scifiart #expanse #mastodontv
Every time I watch Foundation and Jared Harris comes on screen, I think, Anderson Dawes.
@dymaxion @sudnadja I imagine riding my bike, feeling lighter, heavier, or pulled by the Coriolis, depending on my direction.
The #Expanse shows Coriolis when they pour drinks. People who've lived in it all their lives adjust for it when pouring or tossing objects without thinking. Locations farther from the axis are desirable b/c there's more centripetal force but the same rotation rate.
Sorry #JeffBezos, I don’t care how good the #expanse or #ringsofpower are. I’m never going to pay you a cent for #prime
#jeffbezos #expanse #RingsOfPower #prime
The Expanse: The Dragon Tooth #3 preview. Set in the nearly 30 year gap between the 6th and 7th novels #theexpanse #expanse #comics #comicbooks
#theexpanse #expanse #comics #comicbooks
TFW you find out six years too late The #Expanse franchise included a #boardgame and now it is $$$ on eBay.
Yes, just about to reach volume seven of the #Expanse... not being a gamer, I hadn't seen that, but yes now you mention it I ca see it as a succession of gaming levels, moved through by Holden's crew....
Oye setara-setara *Ekepã́sh!
Hello #Expanse universe!
I actually never did an #introduction over at 😅
I'm Melanya. My friend @belmikey introduced me to #TheExpanse and I fell for it hard. I've been active in the #ScreamingFirehawks Fandom since Oct 2018, when I joined Twitter so I could geek about and in #LangBelta. I have my BA in #Linguistics -- which comes in handy. I'm also a moderator on the Discord Expanse Server. I'm a mom. Love #SciFi & #fantasy. Lots of hobbies have I 🙂
#expanse #introduction #theexpanse #screamingfirehawks #langbelta #linguistics #scifi #fantasy
@AstroMichi Was TV-Serien angeht würde ich, neben #Babylon5, mittlereile auch #Expanse bei den positiven Zukunftsvisionen einordnen. 🤔
@MartinWdd bei #STTNG haben sie einfach Papier gegen halbdurchsichtiges, gerahmtes Glas ersetzt. Gab lustige Stapel auf Picards Schreibtisch. Für Ende 80er schon nicht schlecht, wenn ich dran denke, was für Theater das noch 10 Jahre später war, meine Notizen vom PDA auf den Rechner zu bekommen. Oder die per sms geschickte Emailadresse fehlerfrei abzutippen.
To #Expanse-ify my new hand terminal/duting xante/phone, I have applied the Solar Eclipse theme by NEEDWIN Studio. The second version in blue reminds me of the ring gate, but the original is the right color scheme for the belter terminals. 🙂
And now with #TheExpanse: #DragonTooth art pack, I've applied some *beautiful* wallpapers. Drummer's eyes meet me every time I turn on the phone. *fans self*
#expanse #theexpanse #dragontooth