I am absolutely qualified to help you navigate your expat challenges, retirement life planning and make those expat decisions folks back home simply don't understand.
I've lived it, and am an accredited life coach
(thank you lockdowns for all that time to study properly!)
Our first conversation is no charge and no obligation, but will rock your world in a positive way.
Let's connect and talk!
#expats #expatlife #retirementplanning #expatcoach #repat #ukexpat #travel
#Travel #ukexpat #repat #expatcoach #retirementplanning #expatlife #expats
Apparently to be successful here we need to ise #hashtags liberally - relevent to the audience we wish to connect with.
Also good to write a relevent bio so we can see who you are!
#expats #repat #expatlife #homewardbound #expatchallenges #askadmc #worldofdmcs #retirementplanning #expatcoach
#expatcoach #retirementplanning #worldofdmcs #askadmc #expatchallenges #HomewardBound #expatlife #repat #expats #hashtags
What would you do if you knew that you couldn't fail?
Is fear holding you back from success?
What is that fear? Can you name it?
#expatlife #expats #expatcoach