Finished reading #Dragonslayer by #CraigAlanson and while I'm still not getting warm with it, since it's merely a shallow replacement for #ExpeditionaryForce series so far, it did end with a bang. Not because of the storyline but in the end Craig mentioned that there will be in fact more books for Expeditionary Force. He couldn't let go of The Merry Band Of Pirates and despite having ended the series with Failure Mode he reconsidered and announced book 16: Aftermath ❤️
#dragonslayer #CraigAlanson #expeditionaryforce
I am about half way through #ExpeditionaryForce book 15. Trying to knock it out before midnight. No spoilers, please.
So my yearly book reads are about typical for me. Only about one per month -- since I don't read any times other than my lunch hours and in doctor's waiting rooms and ERs/Hospitals (my husband is complicated that way).
#TheThreeBodyProblem #DeadSilence #ExpeditionaryForce #DancerFromTheDance #LeviathanFalls #TimeIsAMother #InhibitorPhase #TheLordOfTheSandsOfTime #StarTrekDestinyMereMortals #StarTrekDestinyLostSouls #The1619Project #FugitiveTelemetry #Citadel #Books #Bookstodon #SciFiBooks
#thethreebodyproblem #deadsilence #expeditionaryforce #dancerfromthedance #leviathanfalls #timeisamother #inhibitorphase #thelordofthesandsoftime #startrekdestinymeremortals #startrekdestinylostsouls #the1619project #fugitivetelemetry #Citadel #books #bookstodon #scifibooks
@austinphilp just finished book 14 and started book 15 today! The story is definitely not going where I thought it would - very exciting #exforce #expeditionaryforce #failuremode #craigalanson
#exforce #expeditionaryforce #failuremode #craigalanson
I have the final audiobook of the Skippy the Magnificent and the Merry Band of Pirates "Expeditionary Force" series.
I can't wait to listen to it ... but I can't believe it's ending.
I'm happy/sad.
#SkippyTheMagnificent #Skippy #CraigAlanson #ExpeditionaryForce #Audiobook
#audiobook #expeditionaryforce #craigalanson #skippy #skippythemagnificent
Any other #ExpeditionaryForce fans out there getting their Skippy on today?
#DwarfFortress and the final #ExpeditionaryForce book both coming out tomorrow.. Wish I thought to take the day off work, gonna be a hard day to focus lol
#dwarffortress #expeditionaryforce
Hey if you're not listening to the #expeditionaryforce series on Audible you're really missing out. Seriously one of the best series I've read (listened?) in a verrrry long time.
My current obsession is #craigalanson #expeditionaryforce book 13. Can’t wait for the last one coming out soon!
#craigalanson #expeditionaryforce
Starting my pre-finale listen through of all the #ExpeditionaryForce #audiobook s ahead of the final book being released this December.
14 books at about 15hr a piece, and only 2 1/2 weeks to do it before the release
let's do this, TTA
#expeditionaryforce #Audiobook
It’s time for a proper #introduction.
I’m a #GeekDad with two boys.
I’m current serving military, but don’t know any secrets!
I got to just ahead of the main wave.
Somehow, through some early conversations and comments I managed to #RedTeam my way onto some lists of ‘good people to follow’.
On Twitter I stood at the back of the room and looked to people like you for information and perspective. Now it seems I’ve moved further into the room and people are looking at me and it feels like I’m taking the class ‘Introduction to#ImposterSyndrome’.
While I don’t work in #InfoSec I do relate strongly to the community and learn from you all.
I know enough to know it’s always #DNS (or #BGP)
At home I run #pfSense, #HomeAssistant and feed #ADS-B data to #FlightAware and #FlightRadar24.
My favourite #TWIT episodes are when @MikeElgan and @jeffjarvis go head to head.
#StarTrek > #StarWars
MacOS > Windows
CAT6 > WiFi
#ExpeditionaryForce series by #CraigAlanson
#NPCs series by #DrewHayes
#TheBobiverse series by #Dennis_E_Taylor
#CrashDive series by #Craig_DiLouie
#FailureIsNotAnOption by #GeneKranz
#TheMartian and #ProjectHailMary by #AndyWeir
#Magic2.0 series by #ScottMeyer
#AncillaryJustice series by #AnnLeckie
#Area51 by #AnnieJacobson
#CountdownToZeroDay by #KimZetter
#TheCompany by #RobertLittell
#AnAstronautsGuideToLifeOnEarth by #ChrisHadfield
#AHigherCall by #AdamMakos & #LarryAlexander
#ThunderBelow by #Eugene_B_Flucky
#GhostInTheWires by #KevinMitnick & #William_L_Simon
#Hackers_HeroesOfTheComputerRevolution by #StevenLevy
#introduction #geekdad #redteam #infosec #dns #bgp #pfsense #homeassistant #ads #flightaware #flightradar24 #twit #startrek #starwars #avgeek #blm #herbodyherchoice #bookrecomendations #expeditionaryforce #craigalanson #npcs #drewhayes #thebobiverse #dennis_e_taylor #crashdive #craig_dilouie #failureisnotanoption #genekranz #themartian #projecthailmary #andyweir #magic2 #scottmeyer #ancillaryjustice #annleckie #area51 #anniejacobson #countdowntozeroday #kimzetter #thecompany #robertlittell #anastronautsguidetolifeonearth #chrishadfield #ahighercall #adammakos #larryalexander #thunderbelow #eugene_b_flucky #ghostinthewires #kevinmitnick #william_l_simon #hackers_heroesofthecomputerrevolution #stevenlevy
@mallen @mochsner second on #ExpeditionaryForce. Love #Skippy: "the biggest problem idiots face is that they're too stupid to know they are stupid. When I point out their lack of brain power I am performing a public service. It's because I care so deeply." ... "No wait, scratch the caring thing, that was total BS."