Expedition Unknown ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ https://trakt.tv/shows/expedition-unknown #ExpeditionUnknown #trakt
2) Josh Gates allows a white guy with zero expertise to show him Indigenous carvings depicting their ancestors and claim it as evidence of extraterrestrial visitors. He goes along with that framing instead of immediately pointing out that abstracted art isn't unique to white artists. 🙄
I get the sense that this bit was pushed by the network for "aliens" appeal. It does go against the usual vein of the show. Whoever's fault it is, it's a mark against the program.
The two things I take issue with:
1) He repeats the suggestion that Christopher Columbus could have been Jewish. This is an antisemitic conspiracy theory. The people who push it want to pin every social evil on a marginalized scapegoat. Even when setting it up as a mistake to be disproved, it lends too much credibility to the people who make the claim. They are not doing it in good faith.
I enjoy the #ExpeditionUnknown documentary series, a riff on Indiana Jones where adventurer archeologist Josh Gates goes around investigating various cultural mysteries, shining light on existing archeological endeavors, and doing it as a fun American nerd. Aside from a few cringy moments, I find the framing largely respectful and less colonialistic than the actual Indiana Jones. It's a good way to learn about world and American history less known in American media. There's a general sense of promoting friendship among various groups and is pretty wholesome.
I talked with someone at our little xmas party last night who shares my love of #TheCurseofOakIsland , #GoldRush , and #ExpeditionUnknown. We also both have a bit of a man-crush on Josh Gates -- to be him or hang out with him.
I had kinda given up on finding any common interests with the other husbands of my wife's tennis team, who tend to be MAGA and sports meatheads and who seem to universally work in sales.
#expeditionunknown #goldrush #thecurseofoakisland
@Monica1236_ Hi there! I’m #SPN #JensenAckles #TheWinchesters #MishaCollins #WIndy #ExpeditionUnknown
#SPN #jensenackles #TheWinchesters #mishacollins #windy #expeditionunknown