More arrows made for my experimental research. This time Late Mesolithic style! #archaeology #history #experimental #ExperimentalArchaeology #prehistory #mesolithic #scotland #ancientcraft #flintknapping
#flintknapping #ancientcraft #scotland #mesolithic #prehistory #experimentalarchaeology #experimental #history #archaeology
Our #experimentalarchaeology class had the clay lab. We started by making pinch pots using a coiling technique and just played with the clay to make whatever we wanted. In the spring, the class will pit fire the pottery and then we will find out who did and who did not get all the air bubbles out the clay. #histodons
#experimentalarchaeology #histodons
Neanderthals were making tar over 200,000 years ago and #experimentalarchaeology suggests how they did it
Had a blast yesterday making Paleolithic cave art in #experimentalarchaeology using brushes and spitting techniques to apply charcoal, red and yellow ochre paints. Students and faculty really got into it and gained some insights through #HandOnHistory #histodons .
#experimentalarchaeology #handonhistory #histodons
Burning to tell you about,
the so many ways which archaeologists can bring the past alive, this can range from outdoor learning activities, experimental archaeology, art & performances.
There is definitely something for everyone to get involved.
Image: The amazing James Dilley of Ancient Craft at BuildNBurn event in 2015 in Caithness
#Archaeology #ExperimentalArchaeology #ArtArchaeology #Scotland #Art
#art #scotland #artarchaeology #experimentalarchaeology #archaeology
Wanted to share the good work students in #ExperimentalArchaeology have been doing in the lithic lab. Students produced obsidian and chert flakes as well as the point below. #HandsOnHistory at
#experimentalarchaeology #handsonhistory #moravianuniversity
Hey @sewing, are you interested in #HistoryBounding ? That is, making and wearing clothes in your daily life that are inspired by #HistoricalFashion? If so, please use the hashtag so we can find each other!
Shoutout to @histodons too, especially anyone doing #LivingHistory or #ExperimentalArchaeology, and to anyone interested in #SlowFashion.
#historyBounding #historicalfashion #livinghistory #experimentalarchaeology #slowfashion
Have been working on the syllabus for experimental archaeology and I am getting excited for a new lab we are introducing his year. Students will experiment with different types of pigments, binders, and emulsifiers and mixing them in different ratios to make Paleolithic paints. Then they will try their hands (quite literally as they will be making hand prints) at making cave art. We will try blowing and brush techniques.
#experimentalarchaeology #histodons #history
#experimentalarchaeology #histodons #history
One of the things which I love ( because I'm a practical kinda person) is #ExperimentalArchaeology and have been a member of #EXARC the experimental organisation for quite some time. I'm also an editor and reviewer of the journal. Here's the new EXARC Digest. It looks great! If you'd like to come to the big @EAAarchaeology conference in my hometown of Belfast, I'm chairing a session - send me those abstracts asap!
#experimentalarchaeology #exarc
#IceAge #Knife // A *very* quick #demo #making Upper #Palaeolithic #blades
#flintknapping #knapping #stoneage #stonetools #ancientskills #craft #archaeology #experimentalarchaeology #experientialarchaeology #archaeologist
#iceage #knife #demo #making #palaeolithic #blades #flintknapping #knapping #stoneage #stonetools #ancientskills #craft #archaeology #experimentalarchaeology #experientialarchaeology #archaeologist
And another video - not a new one, but a really fascinating one. I cannot overstate how much I love Sally Pointer's videos.
#TextileHistory #CostumeHistory #Archaeology #ExperimentalArchaeology
#textilehistory #CostumeHistory #archaeology #experimentalarchaeology
Very pleased to have this article published in the open-access EXARC Journal about designing and launching the undergraduate "Experimental Archaeology & Experiential History" course we’ve developed at Carleton College with a significant public digital history component.
Course website:
#EXARC #ExperimentalArchaeology #undergraduate #history #archaeology #openaccess #dh #digitalhumanities #pedagogy
#pedagogy #digitalhumanities #dh #openaccess #archaeology #History #undergraduate #experimentalarchaeology #exarc
Do you like #ExperimentalArchaeology? Would you like to present a paper at the @EAAarchaeology conference in #QUB next year?
Then contact me here! We are running an awesome session which can include:
- Best practices for reconstructing /
presenting the past to the public - How real is reconstruction? Reconstruction of material objects: successes and fails!
Experimental arch in lab and field
The social and spiritual aspects of ancient
tech people at the heart of technology.
+++! got ideas?
So today, Tuesday 22nd November in the year 2022, the 'Baked Alaska Theory of Torcs' was born!
The torc equivalent of Unified Theory this could, if experiment supports it, offer a solution to a rather gnarly &, to be frank, downright messy, conundrum that's been bothering us for years!! 🤣
P.S. Silly things happen whenever my torc-partner-in-crime & I get together.
P.P.S. With experimental kit like this, what could *possibly* go wrong??? 🤣🤣🤣😳
#archaeology #torcs #experimentalarchaeology
An intro - I love #FamilyHistory currently chair of Devon FHS and President of the Family History Federation. #CommunityHistory I have #One-PlaceStudies for Buckland Brewer, Bulkworthy and Bucks Mills, Devon & Thockrington, Northumberland. #SocialHistory History of the marginalised. I write books and give talks. I inhabit the C17th as Mistress Agnes. Fascinated by #ExperimentalArchaeology & #MaterialCulture. I photograph wildlife with a cheapish camera. Just starting to learn #Kernewek.
#familyhistory #CommunityHistory #one #socialhistory #experimentalarchaeology #MaterialCulture #Kernewek
This mosaic was laid earlier this year by students and faculty from King's College London and the London School of Mosaic, using accurate Roman techniques and materials -- and even authentic Roman tesserae!
It's the second mosaic in our reconstructed Roman villa, and a really special one: it's over our hypocaust, so we get to run all sorts of interesting experiments 👀
#archaeology #history #roman #mosaic #experimentalarchaeology
#archaeology #history #roman #mosaic #experimentalarchaeology
One thing I really enjoy is #experimentalarchaeology and enjoy watching people try to live in a period of the past. There's things that are difficult to learn without actually trying them. There's nuances of everyday, ancient life that only become evident when actually using tools, household items, every day, from a given time period.
Modern Mastodon hunters! Students in my US survey using atlatls earlier this semester #histodons #experimentalarchaeology #handsonhistory #MoravianUniversity
#histodons #experimentalarchaeology #handsonhistory #moravianuniversity
From a over a year ago- but I feel like (for a first post) this is a pretty good representation of me/my content:
Doing my MSc during lockdown meant that I wrote an entire thesis on #earlymedieval E-ware ceramics (and made replicas) without ever having seen one in-person. A month after submitting my thesis, I finally tracked some down- talk about a celebrity sighting! 😍
#ExperimentalArchaeology #archaeology #medieval #MedievalIreland #MedievalScotland #MaterialCulture
#materialculture #medievalscotland #medievalireland #medieval #archaeology #experimentalarchaeology #earlymedieval
Recently took baby steps, (literally by making a baby hat), into learning a new-to-me #ancienttextiles craft Nålbinding. #experimentalarchaeology #archaeology #Archaeodon
#experimentalarchaeology #archaeodon #archaeology #ancienttextiles