@dbellingradt At the next conference - do you want to do a collab workshop with an experimental approach to recreating fruit cutting, 17th-century style?

#earlymodernhistory #experimentalhistory

Last updated 1 year ago

Peter Köhler · @PeK
19 followers · 257 posts · Server sueden.social

Amerikaner über- oder unterschätzen gröblich, wie sich die öffentliche Meinung über Jahrzehnte ändert. Sie benutzen Stereotype über die Vergangenheit, und das stört ihre Entscheidungen in der Gegenwart.

(Artikel in englischer Sprache) experimentalhistory.substack.c


Last updated 2 years ago

Julia C. · @jtheseamstress
137 followers · 133 posts · Server hcommons.social

I'm really looking forward to this (free) online symposium on February 2, organised by the Centre for Design History at the University of Brighton / Techne Doctoral Training Partnership:

✂️ Thinking through Making

"What can historians and theorists of design and dress learn from the practices of making? How can we know fashion and clothing better, as a system and a set of practices, through pattern and stitch?"

Read more & register here: blogs.brighton.ac.uk/centrefor

(It's actually a two-part event, part one is the online symposium, part two is an in-person workshop on Feb. 8.)

#dresshistory #fashionhistory #designhistory #embodiedturn #histodons #MaterialCulture #experimentalhistory #livinghistory #HistoricalSewing

Last updated 2 years ago