@dbellingradt At the next #EarlyModernHistory conference - do you want to do a collab workshop with an experimental approach to recreating fruit cutting, 17th-century style? #ExperimentalHistory
#earlymodernhistory #experimentalhistory
#ExperimentalHistory Amerikaner über- oder unterschätzen gröblich, wie sich die öffentliche Meinung über Jahrzehnte ändert. Sie benutzen Stereotype über die Vergangenheit, und das stört ihre Entscheidungen in der Gegenwart.
(Artikel in englischer Sprache) https://experimentalhistory.substack.com/p/youre-probably-wrong-about-how-things
I'm really looking forward to this (free) online symposium on February 2, organised by the Centre for Design History at the University of Brighton / Techne Doctoral Training Partnership:
✂️ Thinking through Making
"What can historians and theorists of design and dress learn from the practices of making? How can we know fashion and clothing better, as a system and a set of practices, through pattern and stitch?"
Read more & register here: https://blogs.brighton.ac.uk/centrefordesignhistory/2022/12/16/event-thinking-through-making-symposium-and-workshop-2-8-february-2023/
(It's actually a two-part event, part one is the online symposium, part two is an in-person workshop on Feb. 8.)
#DressHistory #FashionHistory #DesignHistory #EmbodiedTurn #Histodons #MaterialCulture #ExperimentalHistory #LivingHistory #HistoricalSewing
#dresshistory #fashionhistory #designhistory #embodiedturn #histodons #MaterialCulture #experimentalhistory #livinghistory #HistoricalSewing