Up Your Guts
by Cumsleg Borenail
Calne native Andrew (Cumsleg Borenail) has tinkered in the industrial mess that can only be produced with the pedal chain and randomness for five years.
The music falls between listenable and throwaway, just like our culture.
Cruddy, malignant noise from the pits of the UK.
#noise #experimentalnoise #harshnoise #cumslegborenail
#muteantsounds #netlabel
#mondaynoisedetox #noise #experimentalnoise #harshnoise #cumslegborenail #muteantsounds #netlabel
out now
Torr Collage Browser Freshmas Jusuis the Typon Binoidal v. 1
AG Davis
Its dark, demented, twisted lofi pop-noise seizures of guttural internal violence and shout outs to the devil inside.
a collection of sporadic files sentover the last 3 years by AG, some are rough mixes of previously released tracks, others are one offs sent then forgotten about.
#experimentalnoise #noisepop #AGDAVIS #experimentalmusic #netlabel #muteantsounds #SupportIndependentMedia
#experimentalnoise #noisepop #agdavis #experimentalmusic #netlabel #muteantsounds #SupportIndependentMedia
out now
Torr Collage Browser Freshmas Jusuis the Typon Binoidal v. 1
AG Davis
Its dark, demented, twisted lofi pop-noise seizures of guttural internal violence and shout outs to the devil inside.
a collection of sporadic files sentover the last 3 years by AG, some are rough mixes of previously released tracks, others are one offs sent then forgotten about.
#experimentalnoise #noisepop #AGDAVIS #experimentalmusic #netlabel #muteantsounds #SupportIndependentMedia
#experimentalnoise #noisepop #agdavis #experimentalmusic #netlabel #muteantsounds #SupportIndependentMedia
Nurses With Knives – Suspiria
gout. – All Aboard! Aboard, Aboard, Aboard, Aboard
and much more #noise
XtelyonRec Special Hour / 24th July 2023
#noise #experimentalmusic #experimentalnoise #nurseswithknives #gout #muteantsounds #netlabel #internetradio #undergroundradio #SupportIndependentMedia
Nurses With Knives – Suspiria
gout. – All Aboard! Aboard, Aboard, Aboard, Aboard
Dead Mammals – Chew The Fat
Your Gaze – Monument
Consumer Culture – Pile of Bodies
XtelyonRec Special Hour 35: Noisy
#experimentalmusic #noise #experimentalnoise #nurseswithknives #gout #muteantsounds #netlabel #internetradio #undergroundradio #SupportIndependentMedia
Ran Down Yer Mammies Legs
from Up Your Guts
by Cumsleg Borenail
Calne natives Andrew Craddock and Colin Simons (Cumsleg Borenail) have tinkered in the industrial mess that can only be produced with the pedal chain and randomness for five years. The music falls between listenable and throwaway, just like our culture.
#EXPERIMENTALNOISE #NOISE #cumslegborenail #muteantsounds #netlabel
#mondaynoisedetox #experimentalnoise #noise #cumslegborenail #muteantsounds #netlabel #SupportIndependentMedia
from Unearthing by Gregory Kramer
Unearthing is composed from field recordings, electronics and found objects and is themed on environmental exploitation and its repercussions.
Created 2020-2021
released October 22, 2021
#experimentalnoise #experimentalmusic #muteantsounds #netlabel
#mondaynoisedetox #experimentalnoise #experimentalmusic #muteantsounds #netlabel
by Edø Pistø Sømi
Notes- freakquencies::::
as you go down, you will feel a restless sense of descending into the past
as you go up, you will feel a transient sense of ascending into the future
Credits- produced and recorded in silence via Renoise 3.1.1
Cøørdinated Søunds= Edoardo Pistolesi Somigli
#experimentalnoise #electronicmusic #muteantsounds #netlabel
#mondaynoisedetox #experimentalnoise #electronicmusic #muteantsounds #netlabel
out now
Thirty Cows In A Field In Utah All Facing The Same UFO
Crepuscular Entity
Buckle up, it's a white knuckle race on top of a dangerous audio gravel terrain.
Sonic sounds and white hot static are compounded into this feeding back calamity. Catapulting this recording into the nether world of tumultuous void of harsh noise.
All noises, manipulations and spoken word by Ken Jamison
#harshnoise #noise #CrepuscularEntity
#muteantsounds #netlabel
#harshnoise #noise #crepuscularentity #experimentalnoise #muteantsounds #netlabel
out now
Thirty Cows In A Field In Utah All Facing The Same UFO
Crepuscular Entity
Buckle up, it's a white knuckle race on top of a dangerous audio gravel terrain.
Sonic sounds and white hot static are compounded into this feeding back calamity. Catapulting this recording into the nether world of tumultuous void of harsh noise.
All noises, manipulations and spoken word by Ken Jamison
#harshnoise #noise #CrepuscularEntity
#muteantsounds #netlabel
#harshnoise #noise #crepuscularentity #experimentalnoise #muteantsounds #netlabel
out now
Thirty Cows In A Field In Utah All Facing The Same UFO
Crepuscular Entity
Buckle up, it's a white knuckle race on top of a dangerous audio gravel terrain.
Sonic sounds and white hot static are compounded into this feeding back calamity. Catapulting this recording into the nether world of tumultuous void of harsh noise.
All noises, manipulations and spoken word by Ken Jamison
#harshnoise #noise #CrepuscularEntity
#muteantsounds #netlabel
#harshnoise #noise #crepuscularentity #experimentalnoise #muteantsounds #netlabel
coming friday 6.23.23
Thirty Cows In A Field In Utah All Facing The Same UFO
Crepuscular Entity
Buckle up, it's a white knuckle race on top of a dangerous audio gravel terrain.
Sonic sounds and white hot static are compounded into this feeding back calamity. Catapulting this recording into the nether world of tumultuous void of harsh noise.
#harshnoise #feedback #noise #CrepuscularEntity #comingsoon #experimentalnoise
#muteantsounds #netlabel
#harshnoise #feedback #noise #crepuscularentity #comingsoon #experimentalnoise #muteantsounds #netlabel
coming friday 6.23.23
Thirty Cows In A Field In Utah All Facing The Same UFO
Crepuscular Entity
Buckle up, it's a white knuckle race on top of a dangerous audio gravel terrain.
Sonic sounds and white hot static are compounded into this feeding back calamity. Catapulting this recording into the nether world of tumultuous void of harsh noise.
#harshnoise #feedback #noise #CrepuscularEntity #comingsoon #experimentalnoise
#muteantsounds #netlabel
#harshnoise #feedback #noise #crepuscularentity #comingsoon #experimentalnoise #muteantsounds #netlabel
Honey Punches
from Concrete Pig Meat
by Moultrigger
released November 16, 2012
#MOULTRIGGER #EXPERIMENTALNOISE #netlabel #experimentalmusic
#mondaynoisedetox #moultrigger #experimentalnoise #netlabel #experimentalmusic #muteantsounds
short, fast and fuck off!!
#shitnoisebastards #SNB
#freenoise #experimental #experimentalnoise #Noisemusic
#NOISE #noisecore #harshnoise #hardcorenoise
#mondaynoisedetox #shitnoisebastards #snb #freenoise #experimental #experimentalnoise #noisemusic #noise #noisecore #harshnoise #hardcorenoise #SupportIndependentMedia
from (3β)-cholest-5-en-3-ol
by Edø Pistø Sømi
#freenoise #experimental #experimentalnoise #noisemusic
#muteantsounds #Electric
#mondaynoisedetox #electronicmusic #freenoise #experimental #experimentalnoise #noisemusic #muteantsounds #electric #SupportIndependentMedia #edopistosomi
Electric Epilogue
by Michel Kristof aka MFK'S APPROACH
please play very loud.
#guitarnoise #freeform #freenoise #experimentalguitar #experimentalnoise #noisemusic Michel Kristof #freejazz
#muteantsounds #othermatter #UnitedSlaves #Electric #Epilogue
#mondaynoisedetox #guitarnoise #freeform #freenoise #experimentalguitar #experimentalnoise #noisemusic #freejazz #muteantsounds #othermatter #unitedslaves #electric #epilogue #SupportIndependentMedia
gout.----McCloud (on GD)
Lagoss, VANESSA WAGNER, Heather Stebbins, Peter Wullen, Tetsuya Nakayama and more.
#experimentalmusic #experimentalnoise #internetradio #podcast
#mixcloud #netlabel #SupportIndependentMedia #muteantsounds
#undergroundmusic #undergroundradio #gout #SupportIndependentMedia
#experimentalmusic #experimentalnoise #internetradio #podcast #mixcloud #netlabel #SupportIndependentMedia #muteantsounds #undergroundmusic #undergroundradio #gout
from Unearthing by Gregory Kramer
Unearthing is composed from field recordings, electronics and found objects and is themed on environmental exploitation and its repercussions.
Created 2020-2021
released October 22, 2021
#mondaynoisedetox #noise #experimentalnoise #drone #experimentalmusic #experimental #unearthing #emission #gregorykramer #muteantsounds #netlabel #SupportIndependentMedia
Future Bypass
by Massimo Magee
Modern Music?
An improvisation for no-input mixing board and effects, recorded 21 November 2020 in London by Massimo Magee.
Cover painting: Untitled by MiHee Kim Magee.
released March 2, 2021
#noise #noinput #mixer #futurebypass #experimentalmusic
#massimomagee #experimentalnoise #muteantsounds
#netlabel #futuremusic #SupportIndependentMedia
#mondaynoisedetox #noise #noinput #mixer #futurebypass #experimentalmusic #massimomagee #experimentalnoise #muteantsounds #netlabel #futuremusic #SupportIndependentMedia #experimental