"Through experiments, innovative groups act rather than plan their way forward." - Collective Genius
Our certainty cannot be that we must know.
Our certainty must be that we cannot know.
What is the next small thing you could do to progress toward the desired outcome?
#MakeYourWorkVisible #CreateSimpleThingsInSmallSteps #ExperimentationMindset #KnowTheProblemYouAreSolving #SoftwareDevelopment
#softwaredevelopment #knowtheproblemyouaresolving #experimentationmindset #createsimplethingsinsmallsteps #makeyourworkvisible
Don't let your tools become your process.
#experimentationmindset #scrum #leadership #agile
Seek new ways; seek new means; do the unexpected.
#leadership #experimentationmindset
What is something you could do today that would allow you to learn more about what you should do next?
#ExperimentationMindset #CreateSimpleThingsInSmallSteps #SoftwareDevelopment #ReleaseRidiculouslyOften
#releaseridiculouslyoften #softwaredevelopment #createsimplethingsinsmallsteps #experimentationmindset
Having more perspectives can lead to more informed ideas.
#ExperimentationMindset #connection #diversity #WorkTogether
#worktogether #diversity #connection #experimentationmindset
If your employees are not learning, your company is falling behind.
#excellence #experimentationmindset
Most people don't know what they don't know. If you don't try weird stuff, you will not know what you don't know. #WeirdTalesoftheFuture #ExperimentationMindset #gurú #cute :blobcatnomplant: :blobcatnomplant: :blobcatnomplant:
#cute #guru #experimentationmindset #weirdtalesofthefuture
Software project risk comes less from events that may change the plan and more from the notion that the plan shouldn't change.
#experimentationmindset #agile
If the team can't easily see what small piece of end to end value is being delivered next and/or what hypothesis is being tested next, your story map is not yet ready.
#agile #SoftwareDevelopment #CreateSimpleThingsInSmallSteps #ExperimentationMindset
#experimentationmindset #createsimplethingsinsmallsteps #softwaredevelopment #agile
When failure
is acceptable,
is more likely.
#leadership #agile #experimentationmindset
Your process can help you. Someone else's process enslaves you. - Jim Benson
#experimentationmindset #agile
Never let an “agile” framework, method or tool prevent you from experimenting. “We are discovering better ways…”, the opening line of the Agile Manifesto, requires active experimentation.
- @JoshuaKerievsky@twitter.com
#experimentationmindset #agile
“You are either building a learning organization or you will be losing to someone who is.” – Andrew Clay Shafer
#DevOps #experimentationmindset #leadership
"What extremely small step can I take to improve the process or product?" -Deming
#agile #experimentationmindset