city // urbo // місто
#inktober #experimentober #doodl
#doodl #experimentober #inktober
ранок // mateno // morning
messing with #figma
#inktober #experimentober
#experimentober #inktober #figma
I have nearly forgotten I can use #inktober as a messy playground. Here is a quote from Seneca in Ukrainian.
#experimentober #чорниловтень
#чорниловтень #experimentober #inktober
19. run girl run
Work have ate my #experimentober
but poodle is fun
I'm falling offtrack with #experimentober, as my work goes from sanity to insanity.
14. Firehouse
Made on phone using #dotpict
#dotpict #experimentober #theWorkshop
13. and bye
#pencils #brushpen #inktober
#pencils #brushpen #inktober #experimentober #theWorkshop
12. Hi!
Here's my favorite librarian.
#pencils #brushpen #inktober #experimentober #theWorkshop
11. 8×8 Ukrainian classic authors.
Made on phone using #dotpixel.
It seems I like to make small stuff.
The smallest canvas was 16×16, so I decided to make a group portrait.
#dotpixel #experimentober #theWorkshop
10. octopus facts
Messing with #Galumph was a lot of fun! Thanks developer for the beta. I'll try it more in the future.
Also I have to notice that #Blender is quite intuitive. I managed to import the file into it, render and save as .obj to import in in #magicavoxel later.
#Galumph #blender #magicavoxel #experimentober #theWorkshop
09. hardboiled
#rexpaint #experimentober
#rexpaint #experimentober #theWorkshop
08. Poirot Bros.
Made with #rexpaint
I definetly need to try it more.
#rexpaint #experimentober #theWorkshop
07. Alphabet
Made on phone with #spiro and #mirrorlab
#spiro #mirrorlab #experimentober #theWorkshop
06. And bye.
#inktober #experimentober
#pencils #inks #acrylics
…thinks today I'll also scribble something by hands to gather some ideas
#inktober #experimentober #theWorkshop #pencils #inks #acrylics
05. Hi
#inktober #experimentober
on weekends i draw outside computer
#inktober #experimentober #pencils #theWorkshop
I'm on track with #experimentober, but the scanner is not, so I have a little delay.
04. The bus has arrived.
Made on phone with #Heavypaint
#heavypaint #experimentober #theWorkshop
03. i will hack to your dreams
made with Noodle
Oh my, that's exactly what I need for this month. I changed #inktober to #experimentober and want to try different software for creating images.
I'm aiming mostly at small and experimental software. So I see rx as a perfect opportunity. Thanks!