This is a critically important thread that shows why expertise in public health law MATTERS for policy politics.
In the current political climate, it's a really, really bad idea to overtly recommend CDC act in ways beyond it's sovereign authority. #PHLaw #ExpertiseMatters
The New Landscape of the Abortion Fight
This is a well-written article, but seems odd that not a single legal scholar was quoted #ExpertiseMatters
(I get this article is about policy strategies but the laws & legal channels matter) cc
The New Landscape of the Abortion Fight
This is a well-written article, but seems odd that not a single legal scholar was quoted #ExpertiseMatters
(I get this article is about policy strategies but the laws & legal channels matter) cc
RT One day I will u-tand why mass media continues to insist on asking MDs to opine on mask mandates when legal scholars have been studying public health law mandates for DECADES. #PHLaw #ExpertiseMatters
I am egalitarian about many things, but expertise is not one of them. #ExpertiseMatters
RT Yes! Was struck by Miller writing “ethics is, or ought to be, everyone’s business,” which I take to mean everyone has a stake in the norms & values in public health practices. But this doesn’t mean ethics is - or ought to be - everyone’s *expertise* (nor is public health!).